V1 - C4 - P3: Entrance Preparation Pt2.

Start from the beginning

Councilmen Ignatius Hagreaves:
"...I apologize for my behavior, ma'am."

Kairi Anamos:
"Do not use the Goddess's name, as in a means of disrespect."
"That goes for all of you, do you think Quasarra does nothing but sit around?"
"No, she worries for this world, and she does everything she can to make sure humanity is safe enough for you all."
"Now sit down and stay silent, boy."

Kairi's demeanor shifts from cold to composed as she offers a slight bow to the three Councilmen and the audience. She then turns and exits the council chamber.
Eun-Ji breaks the silence with a cleared throat after the room falls quiet.

Councilmen Eun-Ji Moon:
"Then there is no definitive answer, until we're given the command to do so."
"Then that concludes this council discussion."

Council Clament:
"Session, Dismissed."

The affluent, influential, and renowned members from different clans rose and exited the room. Eun-Ji, wiping her forehead, released a sigh. Samira paused in her activities, turning her attention to Eun-Ji.

Samira Rizkallah:
"Stressful, huh?"

Eun-Ji Moon:
"Obviously, not everyone is always used to being annoyed."

Samira Rizkallah:
"Oh, I hear you girl. I feel the same thing."

Eun-Ji Moon:
"Just something about that Kade guy, huh?"
"He suddenly pops out of nowhere and now he's as dangerous as the Demon King? This world couldn't get more unluckier with each passing day."

Samira Rizkallah:
"Yeah, especially the tensions from all five nations increasing, you can never get a break, huh?"

Eun-Ji Moon:

The two went awkwardly silent, before the both looked at eachother and unintentionally spoke simultaneously.

Eun-Ji Moon & Samira Rizkallah:
"Do you wanna get some coffee–"
"O– oh–..."

The two women shared a soft laugh while descending from the tall podiums, which gradually reduced in height until they reached the ground.

Eun-Ji Moon:
"Yes, I'd like to have some coffee with you..."

Timeskip(3 Days Later.)
Location: Seolmara.

On a dark, rainy night in Seolmara, the streets reflect the architectural essence of East Asia, particularly Korea. A figure clad in authoritative attire, a Seolmara guard, strolled through the dim corridors of the expansive school, carrying a lantern.

"Y'know... if it wasn't raining so hard, I wouldn't be sh##ing myself as hard as it is now"
"Damn this place always gives me the creeps."

The man persisted in walking through the dim hallways, pausing to inspect each locker along the extensive corridors, a task that consumed a significant amount of time.

Hae-Joon Kim(INT):
"C'mon, Haeje! You've got this, you can go through this night without any problems at all!"
"No... problems... at all..."

He detected a creak in the dim hallways, adjusting the lantern's flame to illuminate his surroundings. With the intensified light, he approached to investigate the source of the sound. He whispered to himself as he stepped forward.

Hae-Joon Kim:
"It's just the wind it's just the wind it's just the wind it's just the wind it's just the wind."
"Oh dear Goddess, please let it be the wind."

As he advanced, the rain beating against the window intensified, echoing the random creaks. Lowering his gaze and then lifting his lantern higher, he spoke into the darkness, his words resonating through the empty academy hallways.

Hae-Joon Kim:
"Hello? Is anybody there? Step forward to the light!"

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