V1 - C4 - P2: Entrance Preparation Pt2.

Start from the beginning

Council Clament:
"May this council session, begin, now."

Seated in their places were numerous affluent, influential, and renowned members from various clans. The atmosphere grew intense as the four council members rose, towering over the crowd from their imposing podiums.

Councilmen Eun-Ji Moon:
"Good morning."

Councilmen Samira Rizkallah:
"Welcome, everyone."

Councilmen Asha Obioma:

Councilmen Ignatius Hagreaves

Eun-Ji from the Council approached the podiums and addressed the audience with composure.

Councilmen Eun-Ji Moon:
*Clears throat*
"In these bleak times with the looming threat of the Demon-King still present, it is of the utmost significance that we all discuss the forthcoming danger facing our world—"
"Kade Northwood."
"Step forward to express your opinions."

A young man in the audience adjusted his collar and disrupted the tense silence by voicing his opinion to the Councilmen.

??? #1:
"Councilmen, why shouldn't we be focusing on the obvious bigger threat to this world than this man—"
"Kade Northwood?"

??? #2:
"Because we have no grasp of Kade Northwoods motives."
"In times of trial and tribulation, it is best to take on the young lion, rather than the fierce and powerful mature one."

??? #1:
"Oh, is this the part where we get life lessons from the ancient scrolls of Grandpa Wisdom?"
"Do enlighten us with more riveting quotes, oh sage of senility."

??? #2:
"You asked for an answer, boy, yet you bite at me with childish insults because you're wrong?"
"Do you think of everything as your story? If so, then you're the clown of mine."

Councilmen Samira Rizkallah:
"That's enough of you two!"
"Always fighting in every council discussion you both attend to."
"But in all honesty, I agree with Adylus, we should focus on the smaller threats before building up to the bigger ones."

The affluent young man rose from his chair, looking up at Councilwoman Samira, trying to persuade her.

??? #1:
"Do you hear yourself Councilmen Samira? We have a 'Demon' king, ma'am, a Demon King planning something."
"Is it not better to seek out an unknown idea than an unknown motive?"

Councilmen Asha Obioma:
"The Demon King is a threat that the Quasarris Vanguard is only capable of beating, not us."
"If we want to make their lives easier, then I say–"

Councilmen Ignatius Hagreaves:
"We release the existence of Kade Northwood to the criminal grounds."

The Councilmen and the audience stared at Ignatius as though he had lost his sanity.

Councilmen Eun-Ji Moon:
"Ignatius? Is this some sort of joke? Why involve criminals?"

Councilmen Ignatius Hagreaves:
"Think about it, those guys will do anything to get their hands on coins, they'll kill a child if they have to."

??? #3:
"That's absolutely ridiculous!"
"You're thinking of hiring criminals– no– mercenaries to do the job?!"

Councilmen Samira Rizkallah:
"I'll have to agree with her there, doesn't that risk Kades existence to eventually make it to the eye of public?"

Councilmen Asha Obioma:
"Ignatius, this better be a good argument..."

Councilmen Ignatius Hagreaves:
"Does what I say seem all that bad? Like I said before, they'll do 'anything' to get their hands on money."
"They're the lowest of the lowest, the scum of scum, subhumans who are fully aware they're subhuman."
"That is why they're perfect."

With a smirk, he extended his arms in an embrace, glancing at both the audience and the Councilmen.

Councilmen Ignatius Hagreaves:
"And furthermore, not a single one of those lowborn scum would utter a word to the general masses if it meant they'd receive a handsome payment to keep their mouths zipped shut."
"Am I wrong? Or am I right?"

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