Hands Off! (Striker X Husband Y/N)

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Sorry for not posting in over 4 months my motivation literally disappeared.



(Readers POV)

I woke up as the sun peaked through the blinds, I instinctively wrapped my arms around my husbands chest nuzzling deeper into it. His chest hair tickled me causing me to giggle.I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my head making a light blush adorn my cheeks. Looking up, I locked eyes with my loving partner gazing into the dark and light yellow swirls that stared back at you. 

"Morning N/N." Striker said in his usual deep western voice.

"Morning Strikes." I groggily replied My head still nuzzled into his chest.

"Baby as much as I love you cuddling into me, I got to go early for a job." He said while gently pulling my arms of him.

"You do?" I asked still only half awake.

"Sadly I do dearie." He rose from the bed in a quick motion stretching his back. Causing me to groan from the lack of warmth and pull more blankets to me. "Ah don't worry it's simple really, all I have to do is kill a guy." He said in a nonchalant voice while he rubbed my cheek. I leaned into his touch almost falling back asleep from the simple action.

"Just be safe and come back soon." I said the red light giving my face a slight outline.

"I always do." He said before giving me a quick yet loving peck on the lips. He pulled away and visibly hesitated. 

"Striker, is there something wrong?" I asked as he snapped out of his daze. 

"You look absolutely beautiful in this light darling." He sang in a seductive voice.

I instantly froze up and buried my face in a pillow mumbling about how stupid he is, while he got fully dressed. I was still mumbling when I felt a pair of lips on my cheek I finally raised my head and looked at Striker in his full outfit. I couldn't lie he looked like a Satan damn angel.

"Lucifer you look good." I said on impulse. He chuckled and walked back over to the bed leaning down to me. He grabbed my chin and whispered into my ear.

"One year of knowing each other, two years of dating, and since last month now three years of marriage, yet you still find a way to make me love you even more everyday." He finished with a smirk before giving me a peck on my now pink cheeks. I grinned like an idiot as I pulled him down into an embrace nuzzling into the crook of his neck. "Oh, I'll be back before ya know it, darling promise." he said looking down at me while tracing patterns on my back.

"Okay, love you Strikes." 

"I love you to Y/N, now get some rest I know how late you were up last night." I blushed and chuckled nervously at his response.

"I will, be safe."

"Good and don't worry i'm a professional." He said while walking out of our shared bedroom, Lucifer I really couldn't get enough of that man.

=====Time skips by Sam for all of your lazy author needs=====

(Strikers POV)

I was stationed on a building parallel to the I.M.P. building. All I had to do was shoot that motherfucker Blitzø and then I could go home to Y/N and cuddle all day, and Satan I really wanted that. I was aimed into his office the second he sat in that chair I would shoot the son of a bitch dead. I heard a loud bang and something whiz past my ear someone had tried to shoot me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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