27: Informing the hashiras

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As Ubuyashiki had said, he did inmediatly after tomioka left the room, called for a hashira meeting, he was a little extastic for the great news he just received, but he was a little bit worried for the reaction that his children could have to the news. He was aware of the hate that his children had towards the demons, some more than the others, especially Sanemi and Obanai.

When everyone was present with the exeption of Tomioka, who he was sure went to inform the demon king the results of the conversation they previously had, he decided to start the meeting

"I don't know how you will take the news that I'm about to tell you, because for me they're happy news, but for you they may be different" - Ubuyashiki said a little bit conflicted, fearing the reaction he might get from them.

"What do you mean, if you consider them happy news why wouldn't we?" - asked Shinobu a little confused.

"Well, the demon king himself aproached one of you, and he asked for a peace treaty" - Ubuyashiki dropped the bomb.

Everyone present was surprised at the news, they couldn't believe what they were hearing, so they turned to look at each other trying to discover who was the one that encountered the demon king, but they only found the same surprised expresions when their eyes conected with someone's else.

They realized almost at the same time that a special someone was missing, Tomioka Giyuu the water hashira had yet to show himself at the meeting, making them wonder how they didn't noticed before.

"I think you already know who" - said Ubuyashiki with an amused smile, and then he continued talking. "He will come late to the meeting, since he must be informing the demon king the results of the meeting we had, discussing the date and some details of it" - he finished, making someone present to growl lowly in anoyance.

"We will be meeting him next full moon, which falls on next sunday, so prepare yourselves, because I don't want any of you to cause trouble" - Ubuyashiki said, in the last part he shoot a glance to Sanemi and Obanai.

Right after he said that, Tomioka got in the meeting running, making everyone to stare at him in amazement and some in aprehension, since this was the second time that Tomioka left a demon live, but most of them could understand why, since this time it was the demon king and not a newly turned demon, and since for a single uppermoon they needed at least two hashiras to defeat it, they could barely imagine only one defeating the demon king.

They wanted to ask him how he meet the demon king, but looking at his facial expresions, they could clearly tell that he knew what they wanted to ask him, but he was not going to answer their questions.

Sanemi was not happy with it, his displeasure was clearly shown on his face, he was about to vocalize his anger, when Ubuyashiki interrupted him by greeting Tomioka.

"Welcome back my child, I hope that everything went well with your meeting" - Ubuyashiki said with a small smile directed at Tomioka, since thanks to him, now he could hope for a better future.

Tomioka directed his attention to Ubuyashiki, he almost wanted to smile at him, but he knew that it would only annoy a certain person further, so he contained the smile.

"Well my child, would you care to tell us how your meeting with the demon king went, and how you meet him?" - Ubuyashiki asked Tomioka.

Tomioka froze at that, since he had no idea of how he could tell them that he was practically kidnapped when he first discovered that Muichiro was the demon king. He decided to go straight to the point, he couldn't think of a believable lie he could posibly tell them without at least one of them seeing through it.

"He was the one that looked for me" - Tomioka told them, hoping that they won't ask him for more details.

"How did he aproached you, my child?" - Ubuyashiki asked him, curious about how he meet the liitle king.

Tomioka awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, since this was what he didn't wanted to tell them.

"Well, he practically tricked me into my own kidnapping" - was what he answered, since he didn't had a better way to tell that, if there even was one to begin with.

Everyone just stared at Tomioka, not quite believing what he said, bit looking at him, and seeing his embarrased face, the most emotion they had ever saw him show, told them that he was saying the truth, so now they wondered how that happened, since tricking a hashira is really hard to do.

"How did he tricked you?" - Mitsuri asked him shyly, she didn't wanted to pry in an embarrasing moment to him, but curiosity got the better of her this time, besides she was sure that she wouldn't had been the only one to ask.

Tomioka sighed, but answered her nontheless, he was going to need to say it one way or another, so he was grateful that Mitsuri was the one that asked.

"He with another demon made me believe that the demon was controlling him, so I went to slay the demon to try to free him from his control, but a third demon appeared behind me and knocked me out" - Tomioka related truthfully, it wouldn't lower the embarrasement he felt form how that situation happened.

Someone with braincells conected the dots with the little information Tomioka provided, and voiced his theory out loud.

"You knew him from before he became the demon king, did you not?" - Iguro asked, a little surprised by the information.

Tomioka just nodded as an answer, but didn't elaborate, he may probably ended up revealing too much if he spoke now, like giving an obvious clue to Muichiro's identity.

Thankfully the hashiras didn't asked for more information, getting the hint that he wasn't allowed to reveal anything else, but that didn't make a certain someone to grow even more resentment towards the water hashira.

The meeting soon concluded, and every hashira went to their respective patrol routes, thinking about the incoming meeting with the demon king and his demons, hoping to finally put an end to this whole war with them.


We are really close to the ending.

Four more chapters before any of the two endings.

Tell me how do you feel about it, because I'm pretty exited.

See you later.

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