26: Peace preparations

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Tomioka stayed a bit longer in the infinity fortress to further discuss what he was gonna tell Oyakata-sama when he'll go to inform him of the alliance with the demons.

When he was finally out, it was already dawn, so he hurried to the headcuarters, he needed to tell the master as soon as posible, mostly because he didn't wanted someone else to interfere with their plans (mostly Shinobu, Obanai and Sanemi).

By the time he arrived at the headcuarters, the first person he encountered was unfortunatetly Sanemi.

"Good dammit, why can't anything go the way I want" - Giyuu thought, already mentally tired from the encounter about to happen, there was no way he would be able to avoid him, he seemed to have a radar that went on every time he was near him.

"Hey asshole, where are you going? " - Sanemi shouted, making Tomioka groan mentally, couldn't he leave him in peace for just one day?, one single day is all he asks for.

Tomioka tried to ignore him, Keyword 'tried', Sanemi was a real menace and kept pestering him, trying to get his attention at any mean possible, it seems like he had been around Shinobu too much time for his own good.

When Tomioka finally turned to look at him, it was because he tried to forcefully take his haori, almost ripping it in the process.

"What do you want?" - Tomioka asked him, he was almost at the snapping point, and it was visible on his face by the bulging veins, and his eyes that had an almost murderous look. No one is aloud to mess with his haori, or even touch it if he doesn't give his consent.

Sanemi was surprised, it was the most he saw Tomioka showing emotion, so he got quiet for a few moments, almost forgetting what he was gonna tell him, but he quickly snapped out of it.

"I asked you where are you going, didn't you heard me?" - Sanemi told him, seeing Tomioka angry was making him angrier, he thought that Tomioka had no right to get angry, only he was alowed to get angry at him, based on his *I'm different than you* attitude.

"I'm going to see Oyakata-sama" - Tomioka answered him, there was no point in making his life harder by ignoring his question, he wanted to get away from Sanemi as soon as he could.

"Why?" - Sanemi asked once again, making Tomioka sigh frustratetly in his mind, he was starting to get tired beyond reason of Sanemi's visible disgust towards him.

This time Tomioka decided to go for the hard route, so he just told him "You don't need to know that", and sprinted away before Sanemi had the time to process his answer.

It was called the hard route, because he was gonna pay the price of his decision the next time he'll see him besides from the hashira meetings.

After getting rid of Sanemi, he went straight to oyakata, he told one of his daughters if he could meet him to talk to him about something.

She guided him to a room in the state, she opened the door for him and she motioned him to sit. There Oyakata was already waiting for him, sitting patiently infront of him, a serene expresion on his face, while his lilac eyes stared at him.

"What brings you here my child?" - Oyakata asked him with a calm voice that could sothe the nerves of anyone.

"I have something important to discuss with you" - Tomioka answered him.

"Tell me my child, what's that you have to tell me about" -Oyakata told him.

"I have encountered the Demon king, he wants peace bettween demons and humans" - Giyuu just dropped the bomb, there was no point in delaying the topic, it would just complicate things further.

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