Transparent night

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Y/N point of view

I was heading to Ricky's tent and he was waiting for his inflatable mattress to inflate. "What the fuck are you doing" I asked trying not to laugh. "I'm not sleeping on the ground Y/N" he said rolling his eyes. "I can see that" I hiding my smile. "So what brings you to me" He then stared at me and saw his jacket resting in my arms. "How dare you replace my jacket for some random Nike hoodie" he said a bit annoyed. "Are you seriously making a big deal about it?" I said. "Well yes???? I don't even let Gyuvin touch any of my stuff and I was nice enough to let you borrow my ysl jacket" he said annoyed. "What the fuck why would you give me something that expensive in a CAMPING trip" I said quickly giving him back. "Because I'm high maintenance Y/N" he said as he was preparing for his skincare routine. "Here take this moisturizer your skin looks kinda dry" he said handing me one as I was about to leave.

"$4,800!!??" I said in shock at I googled Ricky's jacket after giving it back. "Honestly that costs more than my life" Gyuvin added. "Bitch it costs the same as birthing a child at a hospital" I said. "It costs to give birth????? Then what's the whole point of having a child?" Gyuvin said confused. "It blows my mind how you got into college" Junhyeon said. "I'm a good guesser" he said proudly. "Well I'm going back to my tent" I said.

I headed back and I saw Kazuha and Yunjin already fast asleep in each other's arms that's when I realized I was 3rd wheeling them. I then decided to prep to get to sleep and then I saw the moisturizer Ricky gave me. He's weirdly nice for someone who almost ran me over.

I laid down in my sleeping bag for the first time and that's when I decided camping was not for me. I can't believe I was forced against my will. I just want to go home than sleeping in the outdoors.

I kept turning and turning the whole night til I decided I'm just not going to sleep. I headed out for a walk near the lake in hopes of tire me out. I miss my mattress and my fan noises. Sleeping in the wild SUCKS and I don't know how Gyuvin convinced me to actually come. I need to call Taeyong to pick me up right now.

I kept walking around but I couldn't even get a single bar. I tried to go back to camp, but then realized I was fucking lost. I wandered a bit more and then decided to stop and sit down near a tree. I can't continue walking without getting more lost. Well great it's not like anyone is up to actually find me. I then rested my head on my knees and just waited and waited. This is so pathetic why did I have to stray away from an actual path.

A few minutes go by and I start to tear up over the fact I'm not going to be found in a while. I then heard some leaves crunch and instantly got up. I'm going to die right now aren't I. It should've been Gyuvin not me. WHY ME?!? WHY DO GOOD PEOPLE GO THROUGH BAD THINGS! I grabbed a medium sized branch in case something attack me even though it would probably not do much. I kept my eyes shut hoping for the best.

"Y/N what are you doing here?" I quickly opened my eyes and realized it was Gunwook IT WAS GUNWOOK?!?? I stared at him confused but then realized he was chopping firewood. He saw my face which was puffy over crying of throughout the night. He caressed my face as he wiped my tears. "Did you happen to get lost just now?" He asked me. Then I began to bawl even more. "Hey I'm here now stop crying" he said gently patting me on the back while embracing me.

We went back to the campsite and it was around 2am. Everyone who was previously up finally went to sleep and nobody was actually up but us. "So you want to go to my car and drive to the nearest 7/11 before anyone wakes up?" He asked me. I nodded my head and we got into his car.

He rolled down the windows and blasted his plastic. I practically faced the window side the whole time letting my hair flow in the gentle breeze. Once we arrived Gunwook opened my door and we headed in for snacks. As he was picking snacks I noticed some were the ones he would get me when we were younger. It must've been a coincidence that he picked them. They are fairly popular ones, so I doubt he genuinely remembers this fact. I still can't help to think that he remembered what I actually liked even though I know it's not possible for him to know.

I stared at them for a while and then he finally broke the silence. "Do you not like these? We could go back inside to get you something else" he said heading back in. I grabbed his arm and smiled. "No I really do like these" I said as I opened one of the popsicles. "Are you sure?" He asked me. I nodded as I was eating it.

We sat near the curb of the street and just enjoying the snacks he just bought me. He kept looking at me eating. "Aren't you going to eat any of these?" I asked him. "I'm good I'm just glad you're in a better mood than when I found you" he said focusing back on the sky. I felt the corners of my eyes getting teary. I know I must've not be the easiest to be around especially with trying to rekindle what we one had. "At least have a slurp of my slurpee" I said handing it to him. He took a few sips and started to scrunch up his nose in how sweet it was. "Too sugary" he said giving it back to me.

After a while we sat in silence. He then looked through his pockets and pulled out his headphones. He gave me one of his ear buds and we listened to music for the rest of the night while resting my head on his shoulder.

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