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Gray knew that tonight would be the night...

The ice mage felt that if he stayed one more night in that house, he wouldn't have the strength to leave... In the six long months that he and Juvia had been living together, he had truly fallen for her... Day after day they had done everything together... Eaten, trained, worked, talked... The only thing he hadn't allowed himself to do was share a bed with her...

Over those months he had gotten to know the real Juvia... The sweet and lovely woman who loved him from the depths of her heart... Their isolation had allowed her to relax. She no longer overwhelmed him with affection, and she had even stopped going to great lengths to get his attention... She had truly begun to be herself around him.

Gray had been surprised to find that Juvia was actually his dream woman. During their very first night in the little house, he had emerged from the shower to find her quietly reading a book by the fire. His eyes had widened in surprise when he had realized that it was one of his own favorites. Even now he felt his heart squeeze as he remembered how they had talked for hours that night...

Gray had never realized that they had so much in common... They read the same books, liked the same kind of music, the same types of food, and so much more... Each day he had learned more and more about her. It didn't take him long to realize how perfect she was... And not just on the inside...

Juvia was a vision of loveliness... Gray had never noticed how truly beautiful she was what with all the commotion at Fairy Tail. He had only ever seen Juvia dressed up trying to impress him at the guild, and surrounded by all the other members. There had been so much going on that he hadn't taken the time to really look at her. Now that they were living together, Gray had plenty of time to notice all the little things about her... The way her hair shone like waves of the sea. How her deep blue eyes sparkled when she smiled. How smooth her long legs were. How her lightly muscled body flowed while she trained. Her elegant neck. The softness of her hands. The flawlessness of her pale skin. Her plump lips. Her delectable curves...

He could remember the exact moment when he had realized he was in love with her... It was about a month ago...

He had just walked into the house after an hour of solo training. Juvia had gone in early, saying she was tired, and he had decided to continue working on his new magic... Gray could remember the way his stomach growled at the mouthwatering scent that had filled the house as he made his way towards the kitchen. He had been surprised that Juvia had begun dinner without him as they had always prepared it together.

His heart had stopped when he saw her... He didn't quite know why she looked different that day... He had seen her working in the kitchen many times now, each and every day... And he had already admitted to himself that he was attracted to her... But that day she looked radiant...

Gray had replayed that moment over and over in his mind.

Juvia had been humming as she absentmindedly stirred the delicious smelling stew while it cooked with one hand, her long blue hair tied up in a ponytail, still wet from her shower. She had been wearing one of his t-shirts over a pair of workout pants, something that he usually got annoyed at, but right then and there he hadn't cared. Her other hand held a pen as she wrote into a little book that was on the counter next to the stove.

He had jumped when she had begun to speak, only to realize that she was talking to herself as she wrote.

"Juvia is so happy... All Juvia has ever wanted was to live like this with Gray..." she had said. His heart had pounded strangely at the use of his name without the honorific. He had remained silent as she went on. "Juvia is so thankful... Juvia feels like we are a little family now... Well almost... Juvia... Juvia doesn't think that Gray is quite there yet... He still doesn't quite seem to return Juvia's feelings of love... But Juvia has hope..."

Because I Love You (Gruvia Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now