Lizzie 🪱: I have no words 😶

Me: I didn't tell you guys just to be made fun of x
My heads fucked
I don't know what to do

Lizzie 🪱: I assume you still really like this girl
What's actually stopping you from being with her?
Other than her other kind of girlfriend that you don't even know the look of
I mean is she blonde, ginger, brunette, red headed?????

Darcie 🤸🏻‍♀️: Oh fuck Grace who cares
Leah clearly doesn't want her or she wouldn't be kind of cheating on her
The first person is never enough if someone needs a second person and all that waffle

Lizzie 🪱: Ellie just talk to her in the morning

Darcie 🤸🏻‍♀️: Agreed
Also was the kiss good? 😉

Me: Will do 🫡
I don't kiss and tell x
Night my loves x

Darcie 🤸🏻‍♀️: No fun!!
Also come back to Birmingham some time we miss you ❤️

Lizzie 🪱: Speak for yourself
Can finally hear myself think x

*You reacted '👎' to this message*

The next morning I went downstairs and greeted the girls. It's safe to say everyone was feeling the shots from the night before.

"Fuck me it feels like someone's smashed my head in with a hammer!" Katie shouted, making everyone round the table laugh. Leah wasn't there though, she must still be sleeping.

Everyone was eating breakfast when Leah walked in, her blue eyes meeting my green ones. Tension filled the air. Sexual? Anger? Who even knows anymore. She sat down next to me but didn't look at my way again. We ate in silence whilst everyone else joked around and made general chit chat. We do need to talk though. Fuck it. I'm Ellie Banks. I can talk to a girl I like.

"Leah", I whispered so none of the other girls could hear, "Last night was confusing for me and I'm assuming for you as well. I didn't mean to make you feel rejected in any way or hurt you. But, I really think you need to make a decision. It's me or Grace and that's it. If it keeps going like this, everyone's going to be hurt in the long run. So I'm asking you one final time, me or Grace?"

Nothing could have prepared me for how much my heart would hurt after hearing, "Grace".

I managed to force out a quick, "Fair enough", before frantically washing up my plate and walking out of the room. Then it hit me. I was actually done with Leah. Like really. Tears started to well in my eyes and I felt them go all prickly. I couldn't cry here for fuck sake.

I decided I'd go on a run and sweat out all of the pain I was feeling. Was it a good coping mechanism? Who even knows anymore. But I couldn't drink anymore as my head was still pounding from last night.

I ran until I couldn't feel my feet and my lungs were hurting. It was at times like these I wish my Mum was still around as she'd know exactly what to say. I wish I was back in Birmingham and I could visit her grave and feel close to her. I wish I was with my friends and having fun on the pitches round the back of the block of flats. I wish life was more simple. But now I'm in London, miles away from the little family and friends I have left, with a girl who I could feel myself falling for but can't have. I was well and truly alone.

As I reached the house again I noticed a different car in the driveway. It must be Noelle's as she said she'd come a day later. (All the best to Noelle at Villa 😛).

I walked into the house and could hear a low chatter come from one of the bedrooms. I made my way upstairs and was greeted with Beth basically slamming me into a room.

"Yeh thanks for body checking me Beth, could've done without that to be honest", I said with a smirk on my face, knowing she clearly wants to say something to me.

"Ellie I'm so sorry, we didn't think when Leah invited her she'd actually come", Beth said with a genuine sorrow in her eyes. What? What did she mean?

I made my way back downstairs to grab some water and that's when I saw what Beth was on about. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

"Ahhh so you're the famous Ellie! Leah's told me so much about you love!" the woman spoke with joy in her voice. Like genuine joy. And that's when the penny dropped a second time. Leah hadn't told her about me.

"That's me!" I sarcastically said back. I felt like I already knew the answer to this question but I had to ask, "And you are?"




The upload schedule is all over the place I can only apologise. When I finish some exams it should be better!!

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