The Tenderness of a King

Start from the beginning

Bilbo caved and looked away, flushed again for some reason. Had he done something wrong? Offended the dwarf somehow? Bilbo had thought that saving the dwarf might make them develop a friendship. Thorin had thanked him after all, and even embraced him briefly at the time. An act that had Bilbo feeling like he might actually belong here with this company after all. Bilbo remembered the reflection of the flame in Thorin's gaze moments ago. The dwarf king had such presence, even when he remained quiet and brooding throughout most of the journey. His thoughts were a mystery to the hobbit.

Some time later Bilbo risked another glance up only to find Thorin's seat across the campfire vacated and looking entirely too empty. Sadness briefly filled Bilbo's mind until he felt a large hand settle itself on his shoulder causing him to jump ever so slightly. Thick hair brushed against the back of his neck and hot breath ghosted over his pointed ear. A deep yet soft voice whispered just loud enough for him alone to hear.

"I would be gentle with you, if you would have me."

Bilbo sat in stunned silence. He would recognize that resonance anywhere. Thorin Oakenshield's powerful voice had whispered such things to him. Bilbo was not so innocent as to not realise what such words implied. The king wanted him, in an intimate way. In a moment the strong hand on his shoulder had released him and he heard soft footfalls walking away behind him. Goosebumps spread down Bilbo's back and he shivered at the loss of touch. The offer tempted him so. The thought of losing his virginity to as strong a presence as Thorin Oakenshield tugged at his heart in ways he'd never felt before. But a hobbit of the night he was not. No matter how much he desired the touch of the dwarf king, he could not lay with someone who did not truly love him. Curse his sentimental self.

When the flames from the fire had become the last remains of only embers, the dwarves and the hobbit settled themselves in to sleep. Bilbo stared up at the stars for some time thinking still of a certain dwarf. Thoughts of Thorin would plague him for eternity at this rate. After much tossing and turning Bilbo decided on confronting this issue face to face. He would tell Thorin his opinions on this matter and then he would be able to obtain the rest he desperately needed. No use in wasting the few chances at a good night's sleep he had. Bilbo moved swiftly and quietly to the hidden niche he knew Thorin was residing in stopping just a few feet away. His bedroll was surprisingly empty. The hobbit hovered up and down on the tips of his toes wondering where on earth the dwarf king could have gone when he heard a low humming from further into the trees, away from the clearing. Bilbo glanced back at the other resting dwarves before setting out towards the beautiful sound.

Bilbo staggered over branches and crushed leaves, venturing through the thick undergrowth until he could see Thorin's figure sitting against an old oak tree. His stealth didn't last long as he stepped upon a branch making a loud noise and drawing the dwarf's attention to him. And those eyes, caught him again, but this time the dwarf hoisted himself up and approached the hobbit with grace.

"Have you thought on my words, hobbit?" Thorin asked seemingly looking into his very soul.

", no not that. I mean, I couldn't possibly. I won't let myself be used once and thrown away," Bilbo sputtered out.

Thorin's eyebrows rose and his lips curved up ever so slightly before he responded,

"Who said anything about throwing you away?"

The question hung in the air. Bilbo was incredibly puzzled. Thorin Oakenshield couldn't possibly want to have a permanent courtship with the likes of a hobbit.

"But...I am nothing more than a hobbit," Bilbo practically whispered, "What could a king, possibly want with...with someone like me?"

Seeing confusion set on the hobbit's face, Thorin stepped closer, leaving but a small gap between the dwarf and hobbit. His face became serious again before he explained himself,

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