"What are we doing?" Ever since Tusu Feng arrived, Nangong Lie acted a bit more serious, except his impish manner of speech still hadn't been corrected.

Standing next to Tusu Feng, Little Bald Head fiercely glared at him, then kicked him flying with one foot!

"Bai..." cough, "you!" Nangong Lie shouted and made a fuss after he jumped back up. But having thought of something, the name on the tip of his tongue quickly changed to the word 'you'.

Little Bald Head's face froze, ate a mouthful of the meat bun in his hand and adorably warned, "Question the Principal, die!"

The more Wei Wei looked, the more she felt that Little Bald Head was too cute. She really wanted to reach out and pinch him.

It's too bad that Little Bald Head was always on guard. Apparently, apart from the Principal, he would be extremely callous and overbearing towards anyone else who attempted to approach him with a motive.

Why did she think he bore a small resemblance to that person?

Wei Wei turned towards Baili Jia Jue's direction and took a look. The more she looked, the more the two people seemed to look like each other a little.

After carefully counting the years though, she felt that it was highly improbable.

Even though the guy's mannerisms were imposing, he was still only a seventeen or eighteen years old youth. Even if he matured early, he still couldn't have produced a five or six year old brat.

However, what made Wei Wei notice the most was Tusu Feng's attitude. The Principal appeared gentle and harmless, lightly laughing from the beginning to end, as if no matter what happened anywhere, he could still be composed and at ease.

Someone who could do that to such an extent, was absolutely not a simple school Principal!

Seemingly having noticed Wei Wei's gaze, Tusu Feng laughed and narrowed his eyes towards her. He continued to say, "It looks like everyone is very curious about what I am planning. This year, White Academy's rules will be somewhat different from previous years. In a while, all of you, together with the new students from the Superior, Fine, and Good living quarters, will be deciding what your future major will be. You can choose the academic program based on your own preferences. However, take note that once you've decided, you must compete in the major you've chosen during the new students' testing event in one month's time. If you're not up to standard... ... regretfully, you will lose the qualifications to be a student at this academy."

To the new students from the Inferior Compound, this news was no doubt explosive. Everybody was stunned and looking blankly at each other.

And yet, Tusu Feng apparently felt that this excitement was still not enough. He stroked his chin and added, "Oh, forgot to say, the acceptance rate is only three percent, I wish all of you good luck."

A mere three percent passing rate. Not to mention the Inferior Compound, even new students from the other compounds would find their hearts filled with fear.

From here on out, choosing their major would be especially important. If chosen correctly, maybe it could help them qualify. If they blindly chose "martial qi" to major in, when testing time came, they would certainly die in a miserable way!

"This year, there seems to be a lot of people who will be difficult to beat. That Murong Chang Feng, and also that Helian Jiao Er, they are just too outstanding, simply geniuses without equal!"

"Looks like those who choose martial qi as their major will be walking on thin ice."

"Of course, it's best that people like us don't choose that road to death."

The Anarchic Consort (1)Where stories live. Discover now