- ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ.

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─ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ

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─ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ.

Hades walks into his throne room, there where all the rivers that run through the Underworld come together. He halts by the river Lethe, the river which waters could make a person forget. He stares at the water bitterly, the happiness of his succesful date with Zelena leaving him quickly.

In all those years that he had missed his daughter he stood often by this river. He thought of drinking it's water in the hope of forgetting his misery. Forgetting the aching burn of where his beating heart used to be.

But he never did. He kept going throughout the pain, believing it to be worth it to keep hoping. It is how he knew that hope was a powerful tool, perhaps even more so than love. It is why he worked so hard to squash the hopes of those in his domain so effectively.

He remembers vividly the day he lost her, the day that his journey of hoping started. The day everything changed..


Hades stands before the opened stained glass window. His blue eyes look down the black stone of his castle, designed like a medieval fortress although those times had not yet come in civilization. 

Laughter rings through the air and fills his ears like the most beautiful piece of music. Even his nephew Apollo could not make a sound as pure as this. A smile stretches on his face upon seeing his daughter.

She was dressed in a black toga that reaches to the ground. She was holding the fabric in her hand, bunching it up so it would not be stained by water. Her feet, clad in sandals, were soaked as she was standing in a fountain in the courtyard.

Persephone laughs as she throws water at Minthe, who was playing alongside her in the fountain. Daphne and Echo, the two other nymphs in her personal servitude, were sitting on a swinging bench and watching them, working on their needlework.

As much as he wanted to stay by the window and see her enjoy her day, he unfortunately couldn't. He makes his way down the many stairs of the dark holding, going down until he was underground.

While he could change the look of his domain to look exactly how he imagined it to be, the throne room had been the same for thousands of years and would most likely continue to be so in the years going forward. It was one of the only things in the Underworld he wouldn't change.

He sits down on his throne when he suddenly feels it. He feels the shiver run down his spine, the cold air hitting his back. He knew exactly who had appeared behind him, lingering in the shadows of his throne room.

"Hello, brother. To what do I owe this visit?"

Hades refuses to turn his head while his brother walks around him until he was standing in front of her. "You know why I'm here, Hades." Zeus glides across the floor with the grace that naturally came to a centuries old god. He stops before the throne of his brother. 

ᴘᴇʀꜱᴇᴘʜᴏɴᴇ | once upon a time  [ EDITING ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora