Chatacter Catch Up! (C.N. Pt. Two)

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Becoming Friends:


(Y/n) jolted awake with a gasp. She rose up and saw her room brightened by the morning sunlight. The first thing that popped into her mind was being pointed with a strangely colorful weapon.

A light feeling of fear rose in her chest. 'No, that had to be a dream. If I really was kidnapped, someone should've seen it!' (Y/n) thought.

Yes, it had to make sense that it was a dream. It wasn't that late last night when she took out the trash and her neighborhood was filled with people, many who didn't turn their lights off until later.

With shaking legs, (Y/N) got out of the bed. She looked at her nightstand and turned on her phone. Six twenty-five on the dot. For the first time in a while, she was awake before her alarm blared.
(Y/n) would usually fall right back to sleep, but oddly enough, she didn't feel like it. She shrugged and went to her closet to get ready for school.

"You're up early, Mom," (Y/n) said, walking into the kitchen.

Her mother had several papers in her hand while munching on her breakfast. Her head shot up from the papers and over to her daughter. "Morning, (Y/n)," she said, "You sure went to bed early last night."

"Really?" (Y/n) said, making her way to the fridge.

"Yeah! You must've snuck by me after you took the trash out. When I went to your room to call you for dinner, you were fast asleep."

(Y/n) stayed quiet. She didn't remember finishing her chores and going back into her house. All she remembered was being in her dark room, tucked into bed. Was she that tired?

'Yeah, I had to be. It's just a weird coincidence that Nigel was in my dream!' (Y/n) thought fiercely, thinking of the bald British-American boy.


(Y/n) entered her history classroom, her eyes instantly falling on Nigel. He was reading a book with an interesting expression. He must have noticed that she was staring at him, though, because he looked up at her and immediately turned back to his book.

(Y/n) swallowed whatever saliva was in her mouth and headed to her desk. She gazed at the back of Nigel's head, studying him as he flipped the page of his book.

"Alright, everyone, for the first half of class, you're going to get with your partners and work on your project, so get out your computers. After that, we're going to be taking some notes," Ms. Davis explained.

The second she finished, (Y/n) stood from her seat and rushed over to Nigel. "Hello again!" she said cheerfully, trying to push the 'dream' in the back of her mind for now.

Nigel turned and gazed at her. "Hey!" he said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as her but failing.

"So I decided that I wanted to do the voice over for the project," (Y/n) informed. She noticed that the golden-haired boy was sneaking glances at them.

"Oh, good. I've already researched everything we needed and did about half of the slides. If you'll just give me your school email address, I'll send you the presentation and you can do your half," Nigel explained in a very serious tone.

(Y/n) blinked, surprised. This authoritarian attitude came out of nowhere going back to how he was acting towards her yesterday. Though, it made her relieved for some reason. So much so that a laugh was rising up in her chest.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

(Y/n) realized she was smiling widely. "Oh, sorry, nothing," she said, letting out a weak chuckle. "I just didn't expect you to 'take charge, or whatever."

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