Character Catch Up! (C.N.)

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When You Meet:


The glowing sunlight shined through the window and bathed the back of a highschool student. (Y/n) sat in the near-back of the classroom with her head resting on her hand, and doodling in her journal with the other. She was hardly paying attention to what her history teacher was saying and felt that she didn't need to, since she already had her notes jotted down. She just let her mind roam free without any care in the world...

"...(Y/n) and Nigel, you will be working together," Ms. Davis said, interrupting the sixteen-year-old's thoughts.

(Y/n) finally, put her attention onto the teacher as soon as her name was called. When she did, her gaze caught a boy secretly staring back at her, but after their eyes met, he quickly faced forward.

Once the teacher was finished with the list of names, she said, "Your history project will be worth half of your grade, so it'll be best to plan on what you're going to do. For the last ten minutes of class, get with your partner, and discuss what you'll be doing."

With that, everyone moved to the people they were assigned to. (Y/n) assumed that the boy looking back at her was her partner, so she grabbed her notebook and moved to the front of the class.

"Yo," she greeted, and the boy shot his dark eyes up to her. (Y/n) sat down next to him and he looked as if he tensed up. "You're Nigel, aren't you?"

The boy cleared his throat and looked at her with new confidence. "Yes. And you're (Y/n)..." he answered in a strong British accent. "...Correct?"

"Nah, I'm actually an undercover spy with a totally different name."

Nigel froze in his spot while his eyes widened. (Y/n) let out a breath as a form of a laugh. "I'm kidding. Yeah, I'm (Y/n). So, uh, what're you thinking about doing for the project?"

He relaxed for a moment, and (Y/n) thought she saw the disappointment in his eyes for a brief second. "Oh, well I was thinking that we could do the Vietnam War, and each of us can have a turn on doing the slides. Do you want to do the voice over or the research?" he asked.

(Y/n) blinked. "Ah, uh, I guess..." she mumbled.

"...You didn't pay attention, did you?" Nigel predicted, and (Y/n) nervously laughed.

"Yeah, hehe..." she said.

To her surprise, Nigel chuckled. "It's alright. Basically all we're doing is a slide presentation with voice over," he explained with a smile.

"Huh. Sounds easy enough," she said.
Nigel's eyes then trailed over from her and to her notebook where all of her little notes and drawings were exposed. (Y/n) looked over to where he was staring at and blushed, and quickly hid it behind her back.

"SO you wanted to do Vietnam?!" She talked fast, raising her voice.

"(Y/n), please keep your voice at an appropriate level!" the teacher scolded before going back to her computer.

A wave of embarrassment washed over her, and (Y/n) blushed and sunk in her chair while Nigel was about to burst out laughing.

"If you didn't want me to see your notebook, then why did you bring it over here?" he asked, his hand under his chin.

"I was just gonna read my notes to you..." (Y/n) grumbled, her voice softer than before.

Nigel was going to open his mouth to say something else, but the bell suddenly rang before he could. (Y/n) stood up and gave Nigel a calm smile with the notebook. "Guess we'll have to try again tomorrow. It was nice meeting you, Nigel," she said.

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