
Start from the beginning

now that he moved out, he had to find a place to stay, and possibily a whole new source of income. his job payed him somewhat okay, but he went 50/50 with hailey when it came to rent, so relying on his bi-weekly pay check wouldn't have been enough for him. he just knew he wouldn't be in the right head space to work for a while anyway,  so quitting was a decision he planned on making. he had alot on his plate
that he now had to get rid of. he just didn't know how he'd do it just yet.

"you can stay wit' me 'til you figure somethin' out." cameron said, placing his hand on his shoulder. "I got more than enough room in that big ass house. I could use some company."

"I ain't gon' get in the way of you and yo' girl?" xavier asked, remembering that cam would bring his girlfriend over during certain days of the week.

"nah, nah. not at all."

xavier nodded as cameron pulled out of the parking lot of the apartment complex. he felt tears swell in his eyes, mind rambling on and on during the car ride. he was hurting so much, continuously asking himself why she'd done him the way she did.

his phone vibrated in his pocket, and he took it out to see who it was. he stared at the phone for a while, debating on whether or not he should answer the facetime call that he was receiving. he wasn't in the mood to talk, but he didn't want to be rude. after seconds of debating, he blinked his tears away and answered, seeing the face of angel appear on the screen.

he was knocked into a trance-like state, forgetting all of his troubles when his pupils landed on her. angel looked gorgeous. her hair was done perfectly with bouncy curls in it; her makeup enhanced features on her face beautifully. her lips, his favorite feature of hers, were lined with a brown liner and topped with a soft pink tinted gloss.

the way she looked always had him feeling some kind of way, and the look in her eye was something different. she was something he had never seen or expected to come across.

"hey, handsome. you doin' alright?" angel asked and he nodded his head in silence, not being able to answer verbally due to how stuck he still was due to her beauty.

"nigga who is that?" cameron asked as he pressed on the break at a red traffic light, and he looked over to look at xavier's screen. "how you bag that, nigga?"

xavier smacked his lips and mugged cameron as angel laughed at the comment, and his friend quickly looked away from him.

"I was callin' to see if you were free in the mornin' at ten. if not then maybe we can reschedule for the day after, or the weekend." she said while roaming around her home.

"to go out?" he asked, receiving a 'mhm' and head nod from her. "yea, I'll be free."

"okay, suga', I'll see you tomorrow then. same place, right?"

"yes ma'am." he answered, and cameron's head jerked back in response to his reply.

"alright, baby. I'll talk to you later." she lastly spoke and blew him a small kiss.

he nodded silently and the call ended. cameron took quick glances over at his friend with a 'really' expression on his face, leaving xavier confused.

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