"There!" The other telekhine then cheered — reverently lifting a weapon from the wrapping. Selene felt dizzy at the sight of it.

It was a scythe. A six-foot long blade curved like a sharp crescent moon — a wooden handle accompanying it, wrapped in leather. The sky seemed to get darker — as if the Earth itself knew what was to come, and had been anticipating it. Waiting for it.

Kronos' old weapon. It was re-forged.

'Well, shit. When do I ever get a break?'

"We must sanctify it in blood," The two monsters seemed to snap out of the trance they were in — they spoke almost in unison, which was really creepy. "Then you, Half-Blood. You shall help present it when our Lord awakes."

Selene felt like she wanted to throw up. The ground seemed to shake as she took off — her body in co-pilot. She couldn't think. She didn't want to think, what would happen if Kronos rose successfully. The prophecy. The oncoming war that was keeping everyone up at night.

Percy. Gods, Percy.

She dashed into a dark foyer and into the main hall. The floor looked like a pool of blood — which certainly did not help her uneasiness coursing through her body. Black marble statues lined the walls around her — horrid faces etched onto them, which probably belonged to the Titans of the past.

Selene's legs felt like jello as she noticed something else. In the middle of the room, between two bronze braziers, was a dais. And on that dais was a golden sarcophagus.

Even the wind whistling in the room previously seemed to still. The only noise was the fire crackling, and her shaky steps towards the coffin of Kronos. There were no guards — no giants, no telekhines. No Luke, no Mal.

It was too easy. She knew that. She should've stopped. Should've thought — should've let her racing thoughts slow.

But Selene was so close. Her body felt airy as she approached — the sarcophagus was was ten-feet long — much too big for a human. On the sides of it, there were very graphic, painful scenes of death and destruction. Pictures of the gods being trodden under chariots — temples and other major landmarks being crushed by giant hands. The coffin seemed to grow cold as she got even closer — her breath began to show, and she felt as if she were walking into a blizzard.

Selene drew Lunar and spun it in her hands. She clutched the hilt, and was about to push the tomb over when she felt someone whisper in her ear —

'I wouldn't, my dear.'

She nearly screamed. It felt like Gaea was actually here — standing next to her and speaking, rather than just communicating in her head. Selene could almost feel the goddess' cruel grin as she tried to compose herself.

'Gaea. Please, shut up, I'm over this.'

'I'm trying to warn you, and this is how you treat me? You test my patience, girl, that is for certain.' Gaea hummed. 'You do not want to know what is going to happen when you push over that coffin. What you're going to see, and what you're going to hear. I am definitely looking forward to seeing that horrible look of realization on your face. It will be so fun to witness.'

'You're trying to stall me,' Selene tried to tell herself rather than Gaea, 'You're giving someone time to come here and stop me.'

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