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Pooja Naberrie hung up the comm, smiling excitedly. She was happy to hear that her old friend Leia was coming to visit. Pooja never did get many visitors and it had been too long since she'd last seen Leia in person. "Quarra!" Pooja called up the stairs of her Naboo-styled country cottage. "Clean up your room! An old friend of mine is visiting."
"I don't get that!" Quarra came running down the stairs to the living room where her mother's adopted mother was. "It's not like any visitor will be touring my room! What's the point?"
"The point," Pooja sighed. "Is that Leia and her husband are coming over it's been weeks since you've cleaned up that tauntaun sty!"
Quarra rolled her eyes, running back up the stairs to her room.


This was her first real job. Appearantly, babysitting didn't do much for your résumé when you're interviewed for a job as your planet's air security control. It wasn't real exciting but it paid well enough that Quarra was already looking into buying a nice lake cabin.
Today, her grandmother's friend was supposed to be visiting for the week. Pooja had given her the freighter's name and told her to comm when they came. Millennium Falcon it was called. Already, this morning, Quarra had let Manic Ryn, Bail Organa, Rebel Dream, and Two's a Crowd set down on Naboo. No Millennium Falcon yet.
She waited around another few hours before another ship came into Naboo's atmosphere. Quarra was quick to take the comm device and greet the incoming freighter. "Hello, incoming vessel. This is Naboo System Control. Please identify yourself."
"Naboo System Control, this is the Millennium Falcon of Coruscant registry. Leia Organa Solo speaking."
"Ah, yes. Millennium Falcon, this is Quarra Pietta, Pooja's granddaughter. Would you like me to inform her of your arrival?"
"That would be nice," Leia Solo responded, almost sounding nervous in her shaky tone. "What docking bay might we take?"
"347 is really close to our cottage, the closest I can get you. Enjoy your stay. Oh, and welcome to Naboo."


The Hapes Cluster loved comparing themselves to Alderaan as though to make more of an appealment to Princess Leia (Isolder just doesn't know when to stop!), but the two cultures were as similar as a hutt to a ryn. Naboo, on the other hand, was a lovely, rich, simple yet beautiful planet that came closer than anyone else to Alderaan. The Nabooans lived peaceful, simple lives, enjoyed similar festivities to those of Alderaanians, and valued peace, arts, and music. Naboo had always been close to Alderaan in politics, trade, et cetera. That was why, in the Senate, Leia and Pooja saw each other often.
Leia pondered all this as she descended the Falcon's boarding ramp and started walking out the bay. "I love Naboo," she told Han who was coming behind her to catch up. "It's nice and peaceful and beautiful . . . " she trailed off, tried to make it sound like she wasn't but, Han caught it. "And it's just like Alderaan," he finished gently for her. "Yeah," she agreed.
"You know what?" Han began, smiling as he and Leia started the walk to a speeder. "I've never been here before."
"You haven't? Not ever?"
"Well, who would buy glitterstim here?" Han asked, making fun of himself.
Leia rolled her eyes and jabbed her elbow into her husband's ribs. "You tried selling glitterstim on Alderaan. You're sure one to talk."
"Okay, you're right. But, seriously, this is the first time I've ever visited."
"Pooja used to invite me over for sleepovers all the time. I wonder if Bail encouraged us being friends for this reason?"
"Who knows. It seems like sometimes he was strict on rules to protect the very same secret."
"But, I never suspected anything so, he did fine with that."
Their speeder came to a stop right in front of a lovely, small country cottage. Their was a short path of riverbank stones leading to the front door. The outside was painted a medium brown and the shutters were a light blue to match. There was a big front yard that was covered with native Nabooan flowers painted the rainbow. From dark purples to vibrant reds. Inside, Leia knew there was a small living room with a fireplace, white couch, recliner chair, and a caf table littered with holos. The second floor had two rooms, one that had once been Pooja's parents', Sola and Darred Naberrie's, and the other was still Pooja's.
"You're here!" Pooja Naberrie, a short woman with brown hair and eyes, the same browns as Leia's, cried as she met Han and her close friend halfway to the house. She caught Leia in a tight hug and laughed. "It's been too long, dear friend! I haven't seen your little ones since the beginning of the Vong War!" A shadow you of understanding crossed her face as she quickly erased her smile in fear of hurting Leia. But Leia shook her head. "It's okay, Pooja. I don't think you've seen Han either in much longer."
"Ah, yes," Pooja smiled again and went in to hug Han. "I think it was your guys' wedding. Well, come in! Come in! Now, tell me what's brought you here."

Star Wars: Secrets of the Old RepublicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora