Brontophobia - Craig & Jason (Ben stop writing about Honeysalt challenge FAILED)

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Craig did not realize the Stump was so boring before.

Sure, there's a lot of different toys, trinkets, and "treasures" that have collected here over the years, but most of those are either broken and unusable or old and boring. It's become a meeting and planning place for their group, and they don't spend much of their "play time" inside it. Craig could use this time to clean up all the unused stuff, but his mom can't get him to clean his own room; no way he'll clean the Stump by himself. Instead, he's laying on an old sleeping bag, listening to the sound of raindrops above him, trying not to bore himself to sleep.

He would have left when JP and Kelsey did, around ten minutes ago, but he just got new shoes, and even if they look exactly like the old ones (he has a type he likes, okay?), he needs to treat them nicely so they don't get ruined... and so he won't get in trouble for getting his brand new white shoes all muddy. Sometimes he hates being "responsible" and "mature for his age". Those qualities only got him kisses on the cheek from his mom and, apparently, stuck in holes.

Craig hears a thump above him, and the lid to the Stump cracks open. At first, he thinks it's JP coming back to retrieve his own shoes. He tried to prove how clean they were by licking them in front of Craig and Kelsey, to their disgust. It could be Kelsey, too, back to save Craig from his rained-out fate with an umbrella and some plastic bags, the knight in shining armor she is.

Sadly, neither redhead is the one that lowers down into the Stump. Who is on the lawn-chair-turned-dumbwaiter is blond, wearing a drenched uniform and a sour expression, and has absolutely no right to be coming into the Stump.


Jason just about tumbles off of the lawn chair from surprise, and he clings onto the rope it hangs from so he won't meet that fate. "Craig? What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here? It's my Stump!" He stands up, and adds "And JP and Kelsey's Stump. Our Stump! Not yours!"

"Well, Craig, if you haven't noticed," Jason starts, the heavy rain beating down on his already soaked hair, "It is raining. Can I please hide in here?"

Despite the rage bubbling underneath his skin, Craig can't argue with Jason's logic. This is probably the driest place a hundred yards in any direction (due to his diligent handiwork when making the lid of the Stump water-tight). "Fine," he mutters. "You can stay. Close the hatch, you're letting the rain in."

Jason shuts the hatch and lowers himself down completely. He hops off the chair, careful to not land in the small puddle that accumulated from the open lid. "It's weird that it's raining," he says matter-of-factly. "It didn't say it would rain on the weather report today."

Craig rolls his eyes. "You know that weathermen don't control the weather, right?"

"Of course I know that," he snaps back.

"Well, you're acting like you don't know."

"Do you think I'm that stu—"

Just then, a low and loud BRROOOOM sounds above their heads.

"What was that?" Jason says quickly. "Was that thunder?"

"Yes, Jason, that was thunder. Do you know what happens sometimes when it rains?" Craig asks, as condescending as he can make himself. "Thunder happens. Did the weatherman not tell you that, either?"

Jason stares him down, eyes squinted, before he grimaces, grits his teeth, and groans. "Well, now I can't leave." He crosses his arms. "You better not complain too much, 'cause we're going to be stuck with each other for a while."

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