Austin's House

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Ashley's P.O.V
*contains rape, read with caution*
Austin took my bag and we went to the kitchen table. I sat down quietly and looked at him.
"Do you want something to drink?" He asked opening the fridge.
"No, I'm fine. Mom is getting me in an hour, so I think we should just study." I said looking away from him.
"Okay, lets go to my room where we'll have more peace and quiet."
"I think it's fine out here. Nobody's home, so it's quiet," I whispered. I know all his tricks. I know what's going to happen next.
"C'mon, you'll be fine." He pulled me by my hand and flung me in his room. I landed on his bed and rolled over. I looked up at him. His shirt was already off.
"You don't have to do this," I said choking back the tears.
"C'mon girl, it'll be fun." He tore my clothes off and pinned me down. He kissed my lips so hard that they swelled up.
"Stop!" I screamed. "Let me go! Let me go!" I said over and over again. He ran his hands all over my body. He forcefully put himself in me. I wanted to disappear. He got up and sat on me. I tried to kick him, but he slapped my face causing me to scream.
"Shut up! Nobody can hear you!"
"Daddy!" I screamed. He always protected me. I need him.
"I said 'shut up'!" He kicked my chest a few times before he made his way back in me.
"Stop! Please just stop!" I cried over and over again. He slapped my face. He got out of me again.
"You bite and your dead."
"No, help me!" I screamed.

Elliot's P.O.V

I pulled up to the house and honked on the horn. Ashley walked out slowly, holding her bookbag up to her chest. I leaned over the passenger side seat and opened the door for her.
"Hey honey!" I said.
"Hey," she whispered. She wasn't looking at me.
"What's wrong?" I pulled out of Austin's driveway and went down the street.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I could tell she was lying. I pulled over and immediately stopped the car.
"Ashley, if something's wrong, you need to tell me." I looked over at her. She was ignoring me.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm okay." Her voice was cracking. I knew she was going to cry.
"Ashley," I grabbed her shoulders with both of my hands and pulled her to me. "Oh my God, what happened?" She was covered in bruises and her mouth was split open, she had a black eye.
"Dad, I'm okay!" She started to cry.
"Did Austin do this to you?" I shouted. She didn't look at me. "Son of a bitch. How long has this been happening?"
"Daddy, please. I'm okay." She stared out the window. I pulled my phone out and started calling Nick. I hate Nick, but Ashley will only talk to him.
"Hey are you working today?" I pulled back on the road.
"Yeah. Why? What's up?"
"Meet me out front, it's a long story." I said. We were a block away when Ashley realized where I was taking her.
"No daddy, please don't make me do this!" She cried.
"Ashley, as much as it hurts me, you have to." She wouldn't stop crying.

Nick was waiting up front, impatiently. I flung my door open and jumped out.
"I need you to take Ashley's statement."
"What? Was she assaulted?" His face turned serious. I opened the car door and pulled Ashley out.
"Daddy, stop! I'm fine!" She said.
"Let's get you inside Ashley." Nick put his hand over her shoulder.
"Where are you going?" Ashley yelled.
"It doesn't matter!" I got in the car and drove away.

Ashley's P.O.V

"He's going to Austin's house," I whispered. We walked in the precinct and all eyes were on me. I was so embarrassed.
"Ashley! What happened?" Fin ran over to me. I looked up at Nick.
"Call Olivia and meet her at her house. Elliot is going to Austin's house." Nick said. Fin grabbed his keys and ran out the door.
"Who's Austin?" Amanda jumped in.
"I don't know," Nick looked down at me. I quickly looked away.
"Ashley, we need to take you to a hospital," Amanda grabbed my arms. I flinched. She looked at me funny and pulled up my sleeves.
"Did Austin do this to you?" She examined my arms up and down. There were bruises from him grabbing me. I tried not to cry, but a tear escaped and I quickly wiped it away.
"C'mon honey," Amanda pulled me away from Nick and she carried me to her car. She put my in and tried to put my seatbelt on.
"I know how to put on a seatbelt," I said looking at her.
"I thought you weren't going to talk to me," she looked relieved. She closed my door, walked around the car, and got in.
"It's going to be okay." Amanda said.

Olivia's P.O.V

I sat on the couch and started eating the popcorn I just made. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. Elliot should be back with Ashley by now, I thought.

I got up and went to the fridge. I went to grab a bottle of water, and the door front door flew open. I thought Ashley and Elliot had a fight and she was mad at him. I braced myself for her yelling at him and him yelling back at her.
"Olivia, I need you to drive to Austin's house. Right now." It was Fin. I stood there, frozen. I knew something bad happened.
"Olivia!" Fin screamed.
"Okay, what happened?" I grabbed my keys from off the counter and ran out the door.
"Elliot is at Austin's, by himself."
"Where's Ashley?" I yelled opening my car door. Fin jumped in his car.
"Don't worry about that yet!" He yelled, then he slammed his car door.

I turned on the 'famous' red and blue lights that everyone was scared of, and drove down the street. I was going 20 miles over the speed limit, but I didn't care. I kept looking in my rear view mirror to make sure Fin was still behind me.

We pulled up at Austin's house. Elliot's car was already there. I jumped out and ran up to the door.
"I'm taking the back door!" Fin yelled. I didn't pull my gun out because I knew Elliot was in the house. I saw Fin and he nodded his head telling me that he didn't see anyone. It sounded like bowling balls hit the floor. I jumped and looked at Fin. We ran down the hall into Austin's room.
"Elliot! Get off of him!" I screamed. Elliot had Austin on the ground. "Fin, call a bus," I yelled. Austin was bleeding all over his face.
"Elliot!" I screamed. I pushed my hand on Elliot's chest hoping to get him away from Austin for a second. Elliot pushed my out of the way and I hit my back on Austin's bed, hard. I heard something crack, but I hoped it was the bed. Elliot stopped and looked at me laying on the floor.
"Liv, I-I didn't know it was you," He ran over to me.
"El, it's okay," I said fighting through the pain.
"What the hell happened?" Fin said handcuffing Austin. The paramedics came in and took Austin.
"Ma'am, do we need to take you too?" A paramedic asked me.
"No, I'm okay. But thank you."
"Sure thing," she walked away pushing Austin out in a stretcher.
"Where's Ashley?" I asked again. Fin looked at his phone.
"Well, Amanda said that we all need to meet her at the hospital, Ashley's getting a rape kit done." Fin read.
"She was raped?" I looked at Elliot.
"That's why Fin arrested Austin," Elliot looked at me, disappointed in himself.
"Well let's go," I sighed. Elliot helped me to my car and we all drove to the hospital.

*Authors note*
Sorry guys! What's going to happen next? Anyway, I hate writing about rape, or any sex scenes so I tried not to make it so "graphic." Thanks for reading! I'll update soon!

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