Snowed 'Inn'

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I should have known the skies were too blue. The air too crisp. The weather report said there was only a ten percent chance of rain... There was absolutely no mention of snow. None!!!

So much for surprising my sister for New Year's.

Abandon cars littered the winding mountain highway. I slammed my car door shut, shoved my hands in the pockets of my red wool coat and began walking. If memory serves me correctly, the Midnight Inn and diner was just a half a mile north of where I slid off the road. Lucky for me, there was enough snow piled up to prevent my car from sliding completely off the mountain.

Thirty minutes later I shivered my way through the inns heavy oak door and made a b-line for the fireplace to warm up before I tried speaking. The inn was practically at maximum capacity, probably all people who were smart enough to get out of the storm, and maybe a few who had to trek in on foot, like me.

When I was warm enough to feel my lips I made my way over to the counter and ordered a hot chocolate with vanilla, cinnamon and chilli powder.

"So Mexican hot chocolate?"

"Yes, sorry. I get a lot of people asking me what's in it when I order by name."

My waitress, Wendy, nodded her head to the side, motioning to the far wall where a sign was posted announcing today's specials, towards the bottom read:

'Mexican hot chocolate
Your choice of milk'

"Ah! Sorry."

"No worries. Anything to eat?"

"No, thank you. Got any rooms left?"

"No. I'm sorry. We just gave the attic away. It's not much, but I'm sure the boss won't mind if you sleep down here for the night."

She looked as if she felt sincerely bad for me, but what could she do.

"Thank you."

Moments later Wendy returned and handed me the warm mug full of sweet smelling hot chocolate and I made my way back over to the fireplace. On either side of the stone facade were bookshelves full of hard and paperbound books. I perused the shelves until I found a cozy mystery that looked interesting and made my way over to a recently vacated chair next to the fireplace. My bed for the night, I suppose.

A few pages into the book the heavy oak door burst opened, blowing in a frosty gust of wind, some snow, and the most beautiful man I'd ever seen, hauling in a stack of fire wood. He came over to the fireplace, only feet away from me, and began to poke the coals around, then added new wood to the fire.

I tried to look back to my book so he didn't notice me drooling. But I couldn't stop myself from glimpsing back up at him every few seconds. He was the manliest, sexiest man I'd seen in years, probably ever! He was tall, over six feet. He had beautiful dark hair, tanned skin, and if I'm not mistaken, hazel eyes. The sleeves of his green Henley shirt was pushed up, revealing thick tattooed arms. Tattoos typically aren't my thing, but on him it looked rugged and beautiful.

After stoking the fire, both in the fireplace and in me, the handsome stranger went to the counter and asked Wendy for a Mexican hot chocolate. When Wendy handed him his mug she gave him a big flirtatious smile and slid her hands over his. The gesture instantly made me jealous. Were they dating? Married? Fooling around? Ugh! Why do I care? I don't even live around here.

Speaking of, I remembered I was supposed to call the tow company. I pulled out my cell phone to make the call, but no cell service. Wonderful!

I went up to the counter to ask Wendy if I could use the phone. She handed me an old cordless and a thin phone book. Moments later I was hanging up the phone, feeling defeated. The soonest I could get a tow truck was in three days, IF the storm died down, and I was tenth in line, so three days was unlikely. Great!

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