Chapter 8

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Later in the evening, In the privacy of their home, Ravi's parents engaged in a thoughtful discussion about the unconventional proposition their son had presented.

Dad: (sitting down) This is a lot to process, isn't it?

Mom: (nodding) It is, but when I think about the financial stability it could bring to our lives, I can't help but consider it seriously.

Dad: I worry about Ravi, though. What kind of toll will this take on him emotionally?

Mom: He's matured a lot, dear. I believe he has thought this through. And if he's willing to do it, knowing the circumstances, maybe we should support him.

Dad: (sighs) It's just so different from anything we ever imagined for our family.

Mom: Life is unpredictable. Sometimes, we have to make choices that we never thought we would. If this brings happiness to Aryan and financial security to us, maybe it's worth considering.

After their private deliberation, Ravi's parents reached a mutual understanding. They realized the gravity of the situation and the potential impact it could have on their family's future.

Later, Ravi, with a sense of conviction, called Mrs. Kapoor to convey their decision.

Ravi: Mrs. Kapoor, we've discussed it as a family, and we're willing to accept your offer.

Withinan hour, Mrs. Kapoor arrived at Ravi's house. Eager to create the illusion of agirl's room for the sake of the charade, she began the process of transforminga part of their home into a space that would reflect the temporary reality Raviwas about to step into.

Mrs. Kapoor, with an eagerness to create an authentic environment for the upcoming charade, embarked on a transformative journey to modify Ravi's room. The changes were meticulous and designed to fulfill all the requirements of a girl's living space.

1. Dressing Table: A brand new dressing table adorned with an array of cosmetics, brushes, and accessories took center stage. The mirrored surface reflected a world of feminine allure.

2. New Closet: A spacious and stylish closet stood against one wall, filled with an assortment of dresses, skirts, blouses, and accessories. It was curated to cater to every girly whim and fashion preference.

3. New Paint: The room underwent a subtle transformation in terms of color. Soft pastel hues adorned the walls, creating a warm and inviting ambiance that complemented the new additions.

4. Study Table: A study table was adorned with delicate stationery and a stylish lamp, creating a cozy corner for any academic pursuits that might be part of the act.

As the final touch to this carefully crafted transformation, Mrs. Kapoor approached Ravi, a sense of accomplishment in her eyes.

Mrs. Kapoor: Ravi, the room is ready. It should feel like a comfortable space for you during this time. And, I've taken the liberty of booking an appointment for you at a hair transplant clinic. You'll have your own long hair to complete the look.

Ravi,somewhat overwhelmed by the thoroughness of the changes, nodded inacknowledgment. The room now stood as a testament to the commitment they weremaking, blurring the lines between reality and the role Ravi was about to play.

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