"Hello?" He called, "Anyone here!? Do not be afraid! We are friends!"

No answer. The village was completely silent. Chester mulled around, prodding at the doors to see if any were locked. He pushing one open, and his face immediately fell.

"Ohm" he called solemnly.

The Lightning Rift Dragon waddled over to the cottage he was addressing. He had a good idea of what Chester had found: the same thing they always found on these trips. Lying in the doorway was the body of a Cold Rift Dragon. Her scales were dim and lifeless, not a drop of fire sprang from her wings or tail, and (the smoking gun) there was a deep bite wound on her neck, indicating exactly who was responsible for her death.

Ohm couldn't help but shed a tear. It didn't matter how many bodies he saw, it always made him sick with despair.

"Dammit..." he mumbled, biting back more tears.

Chester only gave him a solemn gaze and closed the door gently, "It seems we were too late, yet again."

"Monsters. To think they got this place as well..."

"There's still the matter of the smoking chimney" Chester pointed to the smoke still billowing across the village.

Ohm wiped away his single tear and put on a face of courage (his usual visage when he was feeling depressed), "You're right. We must investigate. Even if it's a trap, we must find out if there's still hope here."

Ohm rushed off toward the cabin, Chester close behind. The building was little more than a shack at the edge of town, shackled together by loose boards and adhesive. Whoever lived here probably didn't have the best grasp on construction, and village clearly didn't help him out (or, perhaps, they weren't able to.) A skinny pillar of white smoke slowly rose from its shoddy, brick chimney, the only thing that looked somewhat competent.

Ohm knocked lightly on the door, hoping the structure wouldn't collapse from the force.

"Hello?" He called.

No answer. Ohm gently opened the door into the dark interior. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust, but, once they did, he was greeted by a pretty sorry sight. The only occupant, as far as Ohm could see, was a dead Earth Rift Dragon. He was seated firmly in a chair overlooking a dwindling fireplace. Chester came closer to inspect him, feeling his body for a possible cause of death. He looked around at all the empty harvest baskets.

"I see no bite wound. I think it's safe to say he survived any initial attack" Chester described; he had a knack for figuring these things out, "Unfortunately, seems the poor man starved to death. I'd say he died maybe a few days ago."

"I see... then... we really are too late..." Ohm said, his voice low and full of sadness.

"It would seem so, my friend."

The Metal Rift Dragon started to march out of the shed. Ohm took a few more moments to stare at the scene before him. They had been so close. Just a few more days, and they could've saved one more dragon. But, it was too late now. Another dragon, another Voidian had been snuffed from the world. He turned slowly away, but paused and gazed back at the corpse of the old Earth Rift Dragon.

He noticed his empty gaze staring directly at a spot in the floor. Ohm tightened his gaze and approached the body.

"Ohm? What's the matter?" Chester asked from the doorway.

"This dragon... I think he's looking at something..."

"Can't look at much in his condition."

"Just look at his eyes. See the way they're staring at the floor here?"

Chester came up to him and examining the body once again, this time paying closer attention to the body's line of sight.

"Hmm... You may be onto something, friend" Chester observed, "But, what would he be staring at?"

Ohm looked to the floorboards between the chair and fireplace. Then, it dawned on him.

"Chester, I need you to break these boards" Ohm commanded.

Without a second thought, Chester smashed the boards in with his blade-like wings. The boards collapsed instantly into what appeared to be a small cache beneath the hut.

"Just as I thought!" Ohm announced.

He began clearing the wreckage, and, as soon as he did, both his and Chester's jaws dropped.

"No way..." Chester muttered in disbelief.

"Yes way, my friend"

Ohm reached into the hole and pulled free a dimly-glowing egg of an Earth Rift Dragon. Ohm felt it gently, caressing the swirling brown shell in utmost excitement.

"I-i-i-it's warm... Chester! It's warm! It's alive! It's alive, and it's healthy!" Ohm cried out in joy.

Chester couldn't help but be overcome, as well, "There really is hope here... there's still a chance..."

"Yes, friend. With this egg, there's still a chance the Voidians will survive. There's still hope for the Void."

Cover Credits
Ohm & Snacorn - DragonVale

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