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Northern Mountain Region of the Void
18 years since the famine began

Ohm trudged through the snow with Chester close at his flank. The hefty Metal Rift Dragon was alert as ever, watching the dark sky with glaring, red eyes. Ohm could feel how on-edge he was, and understood it completely. The both of them stood out in the frozen, white wasteland like two stains on a new rug. It was nerve-wracking, thinking of the strong possibility one of the raiders would find them.

They'd taken a back road, leading far and away from their base (a clever idea of Buzz's.) Ohm couldn't help but shudder at Icy's reaction when he heard they were leaving to go on a search. The young Cold Rift was already a short wing, yet he still acted like the same infant Ohm had rescued some 5 years ago. The young teen was so upset, so distraught, so worried Ohm or Chester wouldn't return.

To be fair, it was a real fear to have. But, Ohm trusted Buzz's judgement. He had scouted the northern region for weeks, and there was no sign of the raiders. Regardless of those observations, though, this was something only Ohm could do. He had to do it. He had to find out if there was any hope left for his broken world. And, that hope might reside in the village of Snowslide, up ahead.

Ohm had never been to the secluded village before, and his hope was that the raiders hadn't either. It was a secretive place, practically untouched by anyone other than the stubborn natives. It was a long hike, and the frigid cold made it impossible to fly, so he and Chester had to risk leaving footprints in the heavy snow.

"There. Up ahead." Chester announced, pointing to some mountain peaks rising over the snowy slope they were marching up.

"You sure about that?" Ohm asked, not trying to doubt his close friend, but wanting a bit more affirmation.

"Positive" his deep voice answered (sounding not unlike the grinding of metal (pretty normal for his rare breed)), "All the stories say Snowslide is nestled in the peaks of the northern mountains."

"I thought they were just exaggerating."

"For a northern dragon, you sure don't seem to know how we operate."

"Well, I never said I was a quick learner when I moved here. We westerners are used to tall tales."

The two continued to joke with one another as they hiked up the rest of the slope. Ohm had to grip onto Chester's sturdy body to make it over the hill's summit (he was far better built for such conditions.) The two dragons trudged their way over the snowy highlands, towards the imposing black mountains that marked the Void's borders. Past this range was nothing but infinity, a sea of blackness and miasma as far as the eye could see.

The cold had grown ever more bitter, causing Ohm to start shivering, but he dare not turn around, not when they'd made it this far. After a long while of marching through the mountains, he was almost ready to give up, until he saw something that nearly made his eyes bulge from his head. Smoke. Smoke! Actual smoke rising from a deep crevice in the mountain.

"Chester!" Ohm shouted in shock.

"I see it. Let's go!" He answered with more veiled excitement.

Ohm quickly straddled Chester's side as he began charging toward the crater before them. Closer and closer the sight of small buildings came. And, from one of those chimneys, rose the hope of survivors just like them; dragons that could help rebuild their world. Chester charged right through the village's entrance gate before slowing. Ohm dismounted and gazed around at the town.

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