Save the Last Dance

Start from the beginning

"Catch up with you guys later." Gwen excuses herself and Ben runs up to the girls and Aria hugs Ben. "Thank goodness you're okay." She tells him. "Where did you go yesterday?" Julie asks. "I don't remember." Ben replies. "I think I know why you're doing this, but I can't remember. Anyways, I have to go get ready, see you at seven." Aria waves and runs to catch up with Gwen.


When Aria got home, she took a shower, got dressed for the dance, and went to Gwen's room. "Hey, Gwendolyn." She greets, taking a seat on the girl's bed. "Hey, Ari--whoa. Nice dress." Gwen compliments. "Thanks, I like yours too." Aria tells the girl. "Thank you. Who's taking you to the dance?" Gwen asks. "I asked Ben to go." Aria replies, braiding her hair. "Oh?" Gwen looks at her with a smirk. "It's not like that!" Aria blushes and looks away. "Yeah, yeah." Gwen nods. The girls hear a knock on the door and head downstairs. Gwen opens the door and smiles at Kevin. "Wow." Kevin says, entranced by the girl's look. "Likewise." Gwen tells him. "I got you this. It's a corsage." Kevin shows her the flower inside a case. "It's beautiful, thanks." Gwen tells Kevin. "I'm guessing Ben's not with you?" Aria asks. "Nope. Why?" Kevin asks, turning to Aria. "Wow." He says, seeing the girl. "Ben's supposed to take Aria to the dance." Gwen informs. "I'm sure he'll show up." Gwen reassures her.


Aria sat in the backseat sulking while Gwen admired the bouquet of yellow roses Kevin got her. "Yellow roses. How did you know?" She asks. "I'm a sensitive guy with an eye for what the ladies like." Kevin replies, smugly. "Really?" Gwen asks. "No. Actually, Ben told me. But he was really cool about it. Gave me a lot of good advice." Kevin expresses. "And yet he can't take that advice." Aria mumbles. "I'm sure he has a good reason as to why he didn't show." Gwen tells her and then she realizes something. "You said he was acting weird, right?" She asks Aria. "Yeah, why?" Aria asks. Kevin pulls into the parking lot of the school and runs to the other side to help the girls out. "We can't go in there." Gwen tells Kevin after he opens her door. "But I learned the proper forks and everything. Outside to inside, right? Or was that little to big? Oh, man!" He sighs, not being able to remember. "That's not the problem, Kevin." Gwen reassures him.

"I knew it! You're embarrassed to go with me!" Kevin claims slamming his fist on the hood. "No! It's just that I think Ben might be in some kind of trouble." Gwen tells him and her phone rings. He pulls her phone out of her purse and answers it putting it on speaker. "Big Chill's on a rampage!" Julie says on the other side. "Where are you?" Gwen asks. "Just outside the foundry, but he's gone." Julie shares. "We'll handle it." Gwen tells her and Kevin gets back in the car. "Forget that! Ben's in trouble, I'm going too." Julie tells her. "My badge has a lock on Ben's Omnitrix coordinates. It's outside of town a mile west of Register Road just north of Wiggsel Avenue." Kevin shares, opening up the map on his badge. "I'll see you there." Julie says then hangs up. "See, I told you he had a reason." Gwen tells Aria.


"It's just up ahead." Kevin says, driving to the location as Gwen looks at the map, and Aria sits silently in the bag, trying to remember what she learned. "Julie said it was Big Chill doing this." Gwen says. "Yeah?" Kevin asks. "We had a problem with one of the aliens who went rogue. It was Ghostfreak." Gwen explains. "Never liked that guy." Kevin says. "Me neither." Aria agrees. "What's your point?" Kevin asks the redhead. "Maybe there's some connection between Big Chill and Ghostfreak. Like maybe these ghost personalities are just plain evil." Gwen theorizes. "It's not that." Aria tells her. "Then what is it?" Kevin asks. "That's what I'm trying to remember." Aria tells them.

They get to the location and find Julie. The group walks over to the crater and finds Big Chill on a pile of scrap metals. "Well, that looks plain evil." Kevin says. "Ben!" Gwen shouts and runs to him with the other three following. "It's your friends. We can help you." Julie tells him. "Go away!" Big Chill shouts and Aria snaps her fingers. "Too much negotiating. I'm gonna smack some sense back into him." Kevin says, absorbing metal from a piece of scrap. "Forget that." Aria tells him. "What?" He looks at her. "I remember now." She tells him. "Really?" Gwen asks. "I feel like we forget that Ben not only transforms into aliens, but he has their DNA in him as well so he can sometimes act like them." Aria explains, walking up to Big Chill. "I said stay back!" Big Chill shouts, blowing cold air at the group, which Aria blocks with a shield. "We're here to help!" Julie tries to reason. "The alien in him doesn't care." Aria informs, trapping Big Chill in a sphere after he tries to attack Julie. "I'll speak to him." Aria sighs. "And how will you do that?" Kevin asks.

"Big Chill, we're not gonna hurt you." Aria tries to reason. "I don't care." Big Chill protests. "Well, I do! We're just here to help. We're not gonna do anything to them, all right?" Aria asks, and Big Chill calms down. "Them?" Kevin asks, and the three teens look at each other confused. "Can we see them?" Aria asks, letting him out of the bubble. Big Chill looks at Aria then at the pile of scraps and then at Aria again. "Please." She tells him tilting her head to the side. Big Chill flies over to the scraps, and Aria turns to the teens. "You did it!" Julie cheers. "Do not touch anything." She warns, walking over to the scraps. Big Chill looks at Aria then he rips off a piece of metal revealing goo. "Ew!" Kevin grimaces. The goo bubbles and little blue bubbles fly out. Julie goes to touch one but Aria grabs her hand. "I said, don't touch anything." She reminds and lets go of the girl's hand. A bubble turns into a baby Necrofriggian.

 "Aw!" The girls coo. "You have got to be kidding me." Kevin says and a baby flies over to Big Chill, more of them spawn and fly over to Big Chill. "They're adorable." Aria tells Big Chill watching the babies fly off to space but a little one stays back. "Go on. Fly." Big Chill tells it and after a few seconds, it flies away. "Okay, that was weird." Kevin says and Big Chill detransforms. Ben looks around and spots his friends. "What just happened?" He asks. "You're a momma!" Aria teases, walking over to him. "Huh?" Ben looks confused. "You might wanna sit down for this." Julie tells him.


The group was now out of the hole, Ben sat on a rock, Julie sat on her scooter, and Aria, Kevin, and Gwen stood in front of him. "Yup! Those are your kids." Kevin says, showing Ben a video of them. "How?" Ben asks. "It's simple. Necrofirggian lays eggs once every 80 years, the babies go live in space cause it's cold and they feed on solar plasma. Don't get too hopeful though 'cause I don't think they're gonna come visit." Aria explains. "Should've figured it out from your pickle cravings." Kevin says. "And from Ben giving you good advice." Gwen adds, placing a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Hey, I can give good advice. What about the time I... I uh..." "It could happen." Kevin tells Gwen. "If you want a ride home, you better hop on. My curfew's half an hour ago." Julie tells Ben and Aria looks away frowning. Ben turns to his friends and then looks at Aria for a while. "Nah, I think I'm gonna stay here." Ben declines. "Really?" Julie asks. "Yeah." Ben tells her. "If you say so." Julie says and drives away. "This didn't turn out to be such a good night after all. We missed the dance." Gwen sighs. "Yeah." Aria agrees.

Ben and Kevin look at each other, and the latter turns on some music. Aria looks up confused seeing a hand in front of her and sees Ben. "What?" She questions. "Let's dance." Ben offers, Aria looks at him amused, and takes his hand. He pulls her away from Kevin and Gwen who were also going to dance. Aria wraps her arm around his neck, and Ben places his hands on her waist and they dance. Aria, wanting to make things better, generates tiny orbs of light around them and smiles at Ben, who smiles back. 


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