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You looked at the clothes, trying them on as you went. "Wait but why do I like these" you said picking up the blinged out crocks.

"Honestly that hot" jo laughed, taking over from your hand.

"So you and uk rapper?" She teased wiggling her eyebrows. "Bitch tell me everything" she whispered to you.

"Well we've been just chilling, fuckin" you giggled.

"Ohh" she cheeried, with a shrill. "You two a thing now or?"  She said looking down at the shoes.

"I don't know" you sighed, walking to other Isle.

"What?" She gasped, "his been chasing you for about two months no?" She winced in said.

"Yeh, but like he gives off like fun flirty but no relationship" you smiled, as you scrunched your nose. You said with a butter tone to get your annoyance across.

"What? I thought he was like real" she said pulling out a shirt from the rack. "Yeh, like he said 'be my girl ya?' " you said coping his accent.

"But it was like joking, you it was, like let me fuck viby" you rolled your eyes.

Jo twisted her face in a unapproved way. "Shit, that is fuck boy-ish" she widened her eyes.

"Yeh, and he has never like said anything about it, yah he was like 'let's talk' but we never talked" you rolled your eyes. "He just talked about random shit, and how we wanted to fuck but not about what we were" you added.

"Dam, so yall like fuck buddies?" She whispered as the lady passed up.

"Yeh, but fuck buddies with feelings" you said looking around. "I swear, he has more commitment issues than me" you said quietly.

"Like, yeh he leaves in the dark, all I know is he wants to fuck and that's it, I don't know how serious he is" you shrugged.

"What a tease" Jo laughed, "well you guys need to talk about it, the gray space is a dangerous place" she frowned.

"I know" you sighed.

"Well we have talked about that we aren't friends, and we're getting to know each other so that's something" you smiled.

"Yeh, well his leaving for London tomorrow morning right? His gonna be busy" she gave you a look. "Talk to him" she said with a cheeky smile.

"Yeh" you nodded.

"And remember, you have to go apartment shopping and you have a show you're post to film February"

You walked through the door and dropped your bags, "oaky" you called out going into the hotel bedroom.

You smiled as he was on the bed, on a call. You came up behind him and gave his a hug.

"Hey" you whispered, Into his ear. He nodded his head still in conversation, you waited still hugging him.

He finally hung up and looked at you. "How'd you girl get on?" He said kissing you.

"Good, but like I wanna talk about somethings" you said looking at him, he raised an eyebrow and looked at you.

"Ya?" He said witha serious face.

"So what are we?, are we seeing each other? What do I tell people when they ask?" You asked.

He looked down, his eyes travelled around the room. "Yeh seeing each other ya?" He nodded. "I gotta pack, my flight is tonight, I sent them my lyrics and they wanna get started on soon" he got up. Quickly.

"Oh okay, you want me to order something?" You asked following him out the room.

"Yeh, sure" he said folding his clothes.

"Okay" you nodded.

You kissed him by as he left your apartment, you watched from the window as he left.

You felt it in your gut, you really did. He was a bit more distant, when it came to commitment.

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