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Why on earth, she gave me this topic? Like, bro I searched very educational website but there isn't any source about Kim. Next day, I'll request her to give me some other topic.

"Mam, can I get my topic change?"
I took over my whole soft voice, so that she can show some sympathy over me.

"And why?"
She's bitch!

"Mam, I ain't getting anything about him, I searched so much but it isn't even showing his birth or expiry dates."
I annoyingly explained her. She fixed her specs before saying.

"For your kind information, Miss Yn, he is isn't available on online."
She stated.

"Not available, then change my topic."
I was still so passionate about it.

"You're twenty years old, use your brain, his information isn't available on internet so go, gather resources, national museum, art galleries, meet people and then do your task."
She gave a look, when I eventually cursed.

"Mam but-"
I was about to say.

"I've class."
She stated and walked out leaving me on hang.

Damn this Caption Kim!!!

After the school, I went to city museum, let's see, if I could get something from there.


"That's the painting of his lover"
A very old lady showed me a paper where a girl was painted.

"Can I just took, one picture?"
I requested her.

"Not allowed."
She said and went away. I took a look of tha art.

Why she's looking, old version of me?

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