Chapter IV

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The fight began, and just like in the original story, Xiao Wu wins, then becomes the boss of the dorm seven. I just simply congratulate her and also try to cheer Tang San up.

After hearing my words, Xiao Wu begins to smile brightly at me and says, "Thank you, Ying-jie." As for Tang San, he just nods his head at my words while looking down. I guess he is embarrassed after being defeated by a girl. 'he lost to me before, so why embarrassed now?' I thought in my head.

There were a few minutes of silence in the room until Xiao Wu decided to speak up. "I know that I became your boss, but don't call me 'boss' call me 'Xiao Wu-jie' instead," she commanded, and everyone, except Tang San and I, agreed with her.

After that, the three of us walk further inside, trying to find a bed to sleep on. 'If I remember correctly, Tang San will choose the third bed on the right side, and Xiao Wu choose the bed beside him' I thought. Therefore, I just walk toward the fourth bed and put my stuff there.

As expected, Tang San chose the third bed; however, Xiao Wu didn't choose the second bed like in the original story, but the fifth bed, right beside me.

It took me a minute to process what just happened.  I turned my head to Xiao Wu to see her smiling at me with her eyes close. I'm really confused to the point that I keep looking back and forth between Xiao Wu and Tang San like a maniac.

A minute later, a guy walked into our dorm room and asks, ''Where is Tang San and Xiao Ying?'' which cause my action to stop. Then both me and Tang San walk up to the guy who seems to be a teacher in the school. ''We are here!'' Tang San said after we arrived in front of the man.

''I'm Teacher Mo, this are the bedding that the grandmaster send for the both of you'' the man said. ''Thank you, Tacher Mo.'' both of us response to him together.

''Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Xiao Ying are year one apprentices, so you'll be in charge of cleaning the south side of the garden beside the field. Furthur more, you'll get 10 copper soul coins daily, but if you slack off, you'll be expelled.'' he continued, explaining our duty and the school ruled.

''Okay, I understand'' Tang San answered. ''And one more thing, you will start working after classes start on the day after tomorrow. I will go check on you sometimes, and if you have any questions, you can ask Wang Sheng'' The teacher continued to explain while walking foward. I glance back at Xiao Wu to see her making funny expression to the teacher, and I almost burst out laughing. Arriving in front of the door, the teacher stop, then turn around, waiting for the three of us to answer.

''Yes, we got it, Teacher. Thank you'' the three of us answer in unison. After getting the asnwer he just simply walks out without saying anything else. I then look at Xiao Wu and laugh. ''Why did you make that kind of face?!! hahaha'' I said while laughing.

''Don't laugh at me, Ying-jie.'' Xiao Wu said. I want to tease her more but decided to stop. ''Alright, alright, I'll stop, but you shouldn't do that to teacher again, okay?'' ''Ok, I promise'' Xiao Wu said.

Then I notice Xiao Wu keep looking at the bedding that Tang San and I hold. I guess the others also notice it, as they began to run toward their own bed, taking their own bedding to give it to Xiao Wu. And just like I remebered, she didn't pick one of those. 'Will she be picking Tang San's instead?' I asked inside my head.

In my mind, I was thinking that Xiao Wu will tell Tang San to share the bedding with her, but in reality, everything was not like I thought. She chose mine!!! ''ummm... Ying-jie, can we share the bedding together?'' she asked me shyly, making me stuned for a moment. ''o-oh sure....'' I replied a few seconds later, after I finally process everything.

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