A High-Pitched Buzz and Training Wheels

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Gemma POV

In my room Georgie took off his shoes which the smell grossed me out but then

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In my room Georgie took off his shoes which the smell grossed me out but then

"Georgie, put your shoes back on!"

"What the?" How did Sheldon?

"He can't smell this."

"Yes, I can!" Essh that kid while dinner

"Why aren't you eating, Sheldon?"

"How can I with that horrible noise?"

"What noise?"

"That irritating, high-pitched buzz."

"I don't hear nothin'."

"Me, neither."

"How can you not?"

"Wait. I think I hear it."

"You do?"

"Yeah. It's coming out of your face." Oh Missy I thought smiling.

Misty POV

While I tried to sleep Sheldon wouldn't shut up

"Ugh!" I took of my eye mask

"What are you doing?"

"The sound from the refrigerator. It's right between D and D-sharp." I rolled my eyes annoyed

"Ugh! It's making my skin crawl."

"What if I hold a pillow over your face for, like, a really long time?"

"No, that's dangerous."

"Do you know if we have earplugs?"

"If we did, I'd be wearing them. Go to sleep." I said annoyed angrily placing my eye mask back on

"I can't."

"Put your fingers in your ears."

"And risk driving wax back into my inner ear canal? No, thank you." He goes back to humming

"Do you want me to get my pillow?! Shut up?!" I said annoyed going back to bed. At school in the playground

"You look like you had little to no sleep." Said mina

"Ugh?! That's cause my stupid brother Sheldon all night with stupid humming it irritated me ugh?!"

"Well get him back." That gave me an idea. Back home walking in with my sister Missy we see Sheldon with Dad's tools box

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to take apart the refrigerator and figure out what's making that noise." I grinned viciously knowing how mad mom and dad would get on him

"That is a really good idea." I said falsely agreeing with him

"Usually you're not supportive of my efforts."

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