Strange love (Merrikat)

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Anxiety etched lines of tension on his face, and his fingers drummed restlessly against the armrest of his chair. The sterile surroundings amplified the weight of the situation, and Zack couldn't help but feel a growing sense of vulnerability as he grappled with the uncertainty of what awaited him in the doctor's office.

"Mr. Merrick," a voice called out, resonating through the waiting room. Zack's heart skipped a beat, but he stood up, making his way towards the doctor's office. Greeting the doctor seemed an insurmountable task at that moment. Words got caught up in his throat, and a sickly feeling crept its way up within Zack.

As he approached the doctor's door, Zack's unease intensified. The sterile, clinical atmosphere seemed to close in around him, and he hesitated for a moment before entering. Inside, the doctor awaited him with a calm demeanour.

"Hello, Zack. Please, have a seat," the doctor gestured toward a chair.

Zack managed a weak nod and took a seat, his mind swirling with worry. The doctor began discussing the results, but Zack found it increasingly difficult to focus. The weight of the situation pressed down on him, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed.

"Are you okay, Zack?" the doctor inquired, noticing his distress.

Zack tried to respond, but the words eluded him. His stomach churned, and a wave of nausea swept over him. Unable to hold it in any longer, Zack abruptly stood up and hurriedly made his way to a nearby restroom. The cold tiles greeted him as he bent over the toilet, groaning, and heaving up the contents of his breakfast. The ordeal left him breathless, a tangible physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil he was experiencing.

Zack sat on the cool restroom floor, the weight of the situation pressing down on him like a vice. His head throbbed with a pulsating heat, and he couldn't escape the overwhelming sensation of dizziness. Closing his eyes, he allowed his head to rest against the cool surface of the toilet bowl, hoping it would offer some relief from the feverish turmoil within.

he gasped for air, Zack felt a sickly sensation that raised and kept rising in his throat, followed by a bout of an involuntary gag. He clenched his eyes shut and grappled with the physical and emotional toll of the moment. Moments later, he found himself heaved up the contents of his stomach once more, the sound echoed in the small restroom.

After what felt like an eternity, Zack mustered the strength to stand up. His steps were shaky as he walked over to the sink, splashing his face with cold water in an attempt to wash away the lingering discomfort. As he dried his hands with trembling fingers, he took a deep breath and steeled himself before making his way back to the doctor's office.

A tentative knock announced his return, and he hesitated for a moment before entering. He offered a sheepish, apologetic mumble, the weight of the situation still evident in his eyes as he resumed his seat. The doctor, understanding the gravity of the moment, maintained a compassionate silence, allowing Zack a moment to compose himself before continuing the discussion.

The doctor regarded Zack with a calm yet concerned expression. "So you're here because a pregnancy test came back positive?" he inquired, his tone measured.

Zack nodded, his throat feeling tight as he nervously chewed the inside of his lip.

"Okay, so normally when this happens, it's a sign of testicular cancer," the doctor explained, his words hanging in the air with an unexpected weight. "For your safety and well-being, I'd like to run some tests to rule out any potential issues. If the tests come back clear, then we can explore the pregnancy aspect further."

Zack's eyes widened, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The word "cancer" reverberated in his mind, and a surge of anxiety washed over him. The doctor's calm demeanour did little to alleviate the fear that gripped him. "Testicular cancer?" Zack repeated, his voice slightly shaky.

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