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Everything was going great, he snuck out the window, the girls had picked him up and when they got to the party they were having a great time. Dancing, drinking, and enjoying each other's company until both Jennifer and Aaliyah decided to ditch him and left with the big three Rafe, Topper, and Kelce to go flirt with some random Kooks. Everything was going fine, fine meaning he could tolerate them until Kelce opened his mouth.

" So, have you guys ever had like, a threesome?" The drunken Kelce slurred throwing his arm over the slightly taller man.

" What? " Kayden said snapping his head toward the boy and pulling a face.

" You know what I mean, have you and your little girlfriends ever had a threesome? " Kelce laughed shuffling closer, lowering his voice he whispered " Don't worry, you can tell me, man, I don't judge. But make sure to wear a condom with that Jennifer girl, she might have somethin', heard she's been at it since middle school. "

Kayden clenched his teeth, wanting to bash the guy's head in for saying that about Jennifer but instead shook his head " No, I don't really see them like that, been around them since I was a kid, they're like my little sister's."

" Seriously? So you would mind if I went after her then? " Kelce gaped at the boy.

" You're not her type man, " Rafe chimed in setting his beer down on the couch. " She's been after Kayden for years. Say Kayden, You seriously haven't slept with her once? Why don't you just hit that, get it over with? "

" You ever fuck your sister? " Kayden asked seriously bringing his attention to Rafe.

" The fuck are you on about? " Rafe growled sitting up, nearly gagged from the idea.

" I just said she's like my sister man, the both of them are off limits." Kayden snarled shoving Kelce's arm off his shoulder and getting up running his hands over his face, sighing. A habit of his he gained over the years." 'M gonna go look for them. " Kayden groaned before walking off.

He got lost. Of course, he did see at least one of the two, the one being Jennifer but she was making out with some guy and he didn't feel like interrupting the two. So he settled looking for Aaliyah but she was nowhere to be found.

With both the girls being busy and him refusing to go back with Rafe and the others fearing he would actually bash one of their faces in, he drunkenly decided he was going to leave. He texted the girls saying he was leaving and began to walk home.

Kayden sat on a dock he came across nearly an hour ago, I didn't know how far he walked but he didn't want to go home just yet. He pulled out a cigarette resting it inside his mouth before taking out a lighter and lit it up.

Taking a long drag of the cigarette, inhaling it before he took out his phone, squinting when he saw the bright screen light up with Aaliyah's name on the screen and answered it.

"I was wondering when you were going to call me, are you just now seeing my text? " Kayden chuckled blowing out the toxic smoke.

" You better be joking Kayden, where are you? Did you seriously leave? " Aaliyah said biting her lip nervously.

" I told you I was leaving, why would I lie? " Kayden tapped the ashes of the cigarette onto the deck next to him before bringing it back up to his lips.

ME AND YOU BOTH, 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐀𝐘𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊Where stories live. Discover now