chapter 6 - breakfast

Start from the beginning

Changbin seems upset that I'm acting a little icy towards him at the moment. In fact, it even seems like he wants to do something to make me feel a little warmer towards him again.

"You're getting ready for practice today by yourself instead of asking for help?" He says this as he starts to turn off the stove now.

"Did I ask before?" My face remains cold.

"No... you didn't." He says it with a frown on his face and he looks away from me.

Changbin doesn't make any attempts to talk anymore so I just carry on preparing my breakfast and head to the living room.

I walk over to the sofa, but I see someone sitting there already. I place my breakfast next to Jeongin, who's on his phone with a big bowl of cereal in front of him.

I hear a door open, but I don't look up to see who it is. Instead, I sit down beside Jeongin and watch him eat his cereal.

"Are you having a good morning, sweetie?"

Jeongin pauses the video he was watching on his phone after he hears you speak to him. He also seems taken aback by the fact that I decided to call him sweetie. Well in my defense, I was just trying to get his attention. 

"Yes... this morning is actually going quite well so far..."

"That's nice." I smile at Jeongin but then look up to see Han walking out of the door that previously opened. He shoots us a confused look.

"Oh umm good morning, Han Jisung, right?"
I immediately stand up and bow at the sight of the boy remembering I wanted to be on better termes with the members.

I cant help but notice that Han's eyes are wide after I've just greeted him. Not only does he seem shocked that I'm greeting him at all, he also looks quite surprised by how politely I just did.

"oh... uhm... hi.." I can see how he's fumbling with his words a little bit and he isn't sure of what to say next.

"Was that a bit much?" I nervously chuckle at Han. I start fumbling with the strings of my hoodie, but I don't want to give up on the opportunity to make things better.

"Did you sleep well?" I take a rusty approach, trying not to sound weird.

Han also seems to become more flustered with my sudden question about how he slept and his face begins to turn bright pink.

"Uh... yeah... i did..."

He's still mumbling but I can tell that he is definitely a little embarrassed my sudden attempt to small talk.

"That's... good"

I curse my social awkwardness and look at jeongin for any kind of help.

Jeongin notices that I'm now looking back at him and he feels  should say something now,  so he takes a big breath in before speaking up.

"Hey, han, how're you doing?"

Jeongin seems to have managed to get han's attention now though since he gets his attention off of me.

I watch Jeongin joining the conversation and I immediately feel relived that I'm not the one leading the conversation anymore.

Han seems to have completely forgotten that I just greeted him. He also became less akward immediately after Jeongin changed the subject. Am I that bad at conversations? No wonder nobody wanted to talk to me at first. I smile at myself and continue to eat my breakfast but not without glancing up a few times to observe Han and Jeongin.

The door, which Han came through, creaks open and Minho enters the room and he doesnt seem quite as surprised as han did at seeing me here in the living room when he came in. Instead, one thing seems to actually catch minho's attention about this situation and that's the way that Jeongin and Han are interacting with each other. They're laughing and Hans ears are bright red.

"Good morning, Minho."

I stand up and bow at Minho as I did before with Han.

Minho seems to be taken aback by me greeting him as well and I can tell that he's not that used to being greeted so kindly. Especially nit by me I guess.

"Good morning."

Minho doesn't bow back to me, though he does seem to feel a bit more comfortable being in the same room as me now. So that's a success! Speaking of success... back to my morning mission: avoiding Hyunjin for as long as I can.

I sit down again and shoot Minho a friendly smile. I tap Jeongin on the shoulder after, trying to get his attention. He looks at me, a bit irritated at first. "Yes? What it is?"

I look anywhere but at Jeongin until I finally answer with a whisper. "Do you know when Hyunjin wakes up? I don't think I want to meet him this early." I whisper it in his ear so that Han and Minho won't hear. After that, I look back at Jeongin.

The second I start speaking, Jeongin's ears perk up and he leans forward to be able to clearly hear what I am saying.

"Uhm.... he's probably still sleeping... Are you trying to avoid him?..."

"Because of the situation yesterday. I know I'll have to face him at practice, but I want to avoid him as much as I can."

I say fidgeting with my hands. I notice a mark on my right wrist and immediately try to hide it with my sleeve. I hope Jeongin didn't see it. It probably is from last night when Hyunjin grabbed my wrist in the fight we had. I look back at Jeongin trying to determine if he saw anything.

Jeongin acts like he didn't see it as he makes
a conscious effort not to mention it and instead he just shakes his head and looks back at me. It's obvious he saw it. At least it's obvious to me. I look over to see if Han and Minho saw it but they seem to be too focused on their own conversation.

"I get it, i guess. i guess it's easier to avoid the problem than to try and face it head-on.... "

His voice is soft now. He must've noticed how uneasy I've gotten. Shit. I'm looking weak again, just as Hyunjin said.


"I understand you fully... it's also just a little difficult to deal with hyunjin when he's mad and it seems like he's going to be a little mad at you today after what happened yesterday so you're obviously trying to avoid that...."

"Yes... I guess I will try to avoid him as much as I can. You should get ready for practice now." I chuckle as I look down at Jeongin noticing his comfortable pyjamas and then at myself. I'm already in my dance practise clothes.

Jeongin already finished his cereal but I'm still eating. I singnal hin with my hand that he should go and get ready.

"How come you've already prepared yourself for practice?" The boy jokingly looks down at his pyjamas with a frown.

"I guess I have practice putting my clothes on fast after yesterday" I chuckle at him refering to the events of last night and my cheeks heat up a bit.

"oh... yeah... " Jeongim looks away from me now as he becomes shy all of a sudden. His ears seem to turn a slightly more saturated shade of pink.

"Yeah, well go and get ready"

I quickly say it before it gets awkward and then finish to eat my breakfast, after Jeongin left.

After I finish eating my breakfast, I can see Minho actually leaving after a few moments and he seems quite happy as he's heading to his room and he even leaves the room with a wave. Han is the only one left in the living room with me now. He seems to just be staring at me and waiting for you to say something. PLEASE DON'T MAKE THIS AKWARD MYSELF!!!


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