chapter 3 - changbin?

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I lay down on my bed, trying to distract myself at first, but then thinking what the cause for Hyunjins  hatred could be. I try to think of possible solutions for this matter since I can't keep having Hyunjin bang at my door suddenly. Who could help me?

I decide to see what the other members are doing to decide who to discuss this matter with. I know that I can't talk to anyone outside of the group about this. The risk of the public knowing we're having issues is always there. I try to avoid Hyunjin with as much effort as i can as i sneak out the door.

The closest member that's available will do, right?. I see changbin sitting alone, so I quietly walk up to him. I want to know if he's as bad as hyunjin before I tell him anything at all. He has headphones in, so he must've not heard the fight between me and Hyunjin.

I sit down next to Changbin, but i don't look at him as usual. My expression is more open and curious, a bit fearful, rather than cold. I wait for him to say anything, just eyeing him at first.

Changbin is used to me looking at him with a cold and indifferent expression. This is the first time I'm actually looking at him in a different way. I sit down, and he eyes you curiously as well. He immediately lifts his headphones. He doesn't say anything and apparently seems to be waiting for me to start the conversation.

I see that his expression also changed. After waiting a couple of minutes, I begin with a wispered "Hi," which is a highly unusual way to start a conversation between us two. I can't even remember if we ever talked to each other at all. We used to just stare at each other coldly.

His eyebrow raises a bit when he hears my whispered hello. He's probably used to the cold stares us two have shared many times. It's starting to feel slightly awkward because of the way we're behaving. He glances around for a second before finally speaking.

"Hm. where did you come from all of a sudden?"

His look is still hard to read. his eyes are still examining me, and there's a slight frown on his face.

I shift around under his gaze, visibly uncomfortable. I look at him with eyes still puffy from the crying. "I came from my room. I had a fight with Hyunjin." I pull my legs closer to my body and look at the floor.

[No ones pov]

Your words seem to catch his attention, as his eyebrows raise even higher this time. He doesn't expect you to be so forthright about this. he also sees your puffy eyes and is trying his best to avoid them. he feels like he wants to ask you what happened, but he's hesitant because he doesn’t want to bring up unwanted memories.

"You had a fight with hyunjin? can you elaborate on that?"

You look back up at him. "I- he grabbed my wrist- I ran into my room- he  was banging on my door and I think i shouted and- I don't know anymore." Your eyes begin to water again as you're thinking about the recent events and your voice breaks continuously. You look back at Changbin to see his reaction.

Changbin is slightly taken aback by how emotional you're getting. he knows that the members dont often show their emotions, so you being so vulnerable in his presence is a little surprising to him. he's trying his best to keep his poker face, but it's obvious that he's somewhat concerned for you. "Why did he grab your wrist?"

You grab the fabric of the sofa.] "I- I'm not sure." You try to interpret changbins expression. "He just said he- he hated me beacuse I'm weak." You scoff at the irony.  "You clearly won't have that problem," you say looking at Changbins well trained muscles.

Why do YOU hate me? - Hwang Hyunjin ffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt