chapter 6 - breakfast

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"You want to be MY cute little fox instead?"

You wink at him and chuckle right after, loving his reaction to this. Confidence is key you always taught yourself. After all, that's what made you an idol.

Jeongin looks like he's completely lost himself in the moment now and a look of pure shock covers his face. He was trying to act calm and collected, but after you said this to him, he could honestly no longer hide behind his usual confidence. He feels so caught off guard.

"...what did you just ask me? did you just say you wanted me to be YOUR cute little fox?"

You decide to take it even further with the joke. You love his showing nervousness and the lack of confidence showing in the boy. You haven't flirted like this in a long time, even if it's just jokingly. You'd have never imagined to be this close with one of your members.

"I think you heard me, cutie."

You can hear how jeongin is now breathing more quickly as this conversation gets even more and more flirty. He really doesn't know what you want him to say here anymore and the blush covering his cheeks is now growing larger and more intense. He's completely lost in this game of flirting right now.

"Aah... well... you are calling me a cutie and you're asking me to be YOUR cute fox, so what else am i supposed to take from this?" He laughs nervously now, too.

"Oh, aren't you fun to play around with? I guess what you take from this is for you to decide. I'll head to sleep now. See you tomorrow at practice cute fox boy." You wink at him a last time before leaving the poor blushing boy alone and walk through the living room to your door and into your room.

You can hear how jeongin is stuttering to reply back once you've spoken so confidently to him and you can tell that you've completely ruined him with this flirting. He cant help but blush profusely, though, and you definitely know that you've affected him quite a bit now. Jeongin finally manages to respond to you though.

"See you tomorrow as well... cute little (y/designatedanimal) girl."

He calls you cute right back now as he can see how well you responded to his flirting. He noticed you running of to your room but he calls right after you.

You chuckle at his quiet response. As I enter my room, you throw yourself on my bed immediately. What a successful and  eventful day this was. You close my eyes and immediately fall asleep from exhaustion.

[Your pov]

The next day, I'm woken up by my alarm for practice. I feel a bit more confident in my ability to interact with the members now that I've gotten to know some of them.

It seems like it has already been time for me to get ready and prepare to go to practice, so I should probably get up now.

I get up slowly, still tired from being up late last night with Jeongin. I walk to my closet and pick out a sporty but casual outfit. I put it on, look into the mirror and smile. I throw my hair into a ponytail and put on just a bit of make up. After that I walk out of my room to get some breakfast from the kitchen. I set my alarm a bit sooner, hoping to avoid Hyunjin.

Once I walk into the kitchen, I dont see anyone else aside from one person. Changbin, who is currently making breakfast. Great. The second worst option.

"Hi." That's the only thing i can think of regarding the events yesterday.

Changbin seems a little surprised to see me this early in the morning. He looks up at me after I say hi. "Morning. you're up pretty early today."

"I wanted to be on time for practice." I say dryly. He tricked me so I will remain cold to him. In the meantime, i begin to prepare breakfast for myself as well.

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