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Violet was strolling around Korea tonight since it was her first time there. She was in Korea for an ATEEZ concert and fan sign event. She saw a van pull up it looks like one of the abduction vans you see on TV. She watched the girl leave and being suspicious she went to the back of the van and took a picture of the license plate. She goes around looking at the van when she sees a familiar face looking back at her scared and disoriented.
   "Yeosang."She whispers. She doesn't even think before she busts the window opens the door and drags him out. She grabs him before running and making it to her hotel room locking the door behind her. She takes him to her bed and makes him comfortable before taking the gag out and untying him. She checks him over for any damage as he slowly comes back to himself. He watches as the foreigner frets over him. He was honestly surprised to see her so late at night. Most people were in by now yet there she was staring at him in his kidnapper's van. Surprisingly she even rescued him.
    "Are you okay, Yeosang?" She asked looking into his eyes. He was stunned by how pretty she was and her eyes are absolutely beautiful. They held such worry for him.
      "I'm fine. Thank you."
       "Always. My name is Violet. I'm an ATINY. I'm here for the concert and fan sign. It's My first time in Korea so I was exploring. I'm a night owl anyway so being up this late is normal for me. How about you rest up and first thing in the morning you call Hongjoong or your manager?" She suggested.
        "Only if you come cuddle with me, Vi." He smiled at her.
        "It would be an honor to cuddle with you, Yeosang. I would never refuse you such a comfort after being kidnapped by a psycho." She said getting situated and letting him cuddle into her. She fell asleep first and Yeosang started texting the guys.
  Hey, guys. I'm fine.
  You were kidnapped. We spoke to the saesang. How are you texting us? (Hongjoong)
  I was rescued by an American ATINY named Violet. She's here for the concert and fan sign. It's also her first time in Korea. We're in her hotel room. I'm cuddling with her atm. You guys will love her. I just wanted to let you guys know I'm okay. I'll call you in the morning and we will talk then. Love you 😘
  He put his phone on the charger and pulled her closer to him feeling her snuggle closer. He smiled tiredly nuzzling his nose into her hair and falling asleep surprisingly content.
    ~.        ~.          ~.        ~.       ~.
    They were woken up by his phone going off. He answered putting it on speaker.
   "Morning, hyung." Yeosang yawned. Violet sat up sleepily and rubbed her eyes which Yeosang found absolutely adorable.
   "It's good to know you're okay. We were so worried, Sangie. Is Violet awake?" Hongjoong asked.
   "I'm here Yeosang has it on speaker. And before you ask I'm a '98 liner like you and Seongwha." Violet replied blinking tiredly.
   "Oh alright. Thank you for rescuing Yeosang, Violet."
   "It was no problem, Hongjoong. If I could help you guys in anyway you bet I would do it in a heartbeat."
    "Awe. Noona's too sweet." A new voice cooed.
    "Wooyoung?" Violet guessed.
    "Good morning, Violet noona." He replied happily.
     "Good morning, Wooyoung. Good morning everyone."
      "Good morning." They replied finding her very sweet.
       "Can we get your hotel so we can come get Yeosang ourselves?" Seongwha asked.
      "Sangie, do you mind texting Hwa the address?" She gave him the address and he sent the directions to his eldest hyung.
      "We'll be there in a few minutes. Thank you for helping our Sangie, Violet." Seongwha said before hanging up. She went ahead and unlocked the door.
         They had breakfast and she told him how the first song she heard by them was Twilight watching kpop in public on YouTube.
 ~.    ~.     ~.        
    "Do you think Violet could be our missing piece?" San asked.
    "Do you think she would still want us when she finds out what we are?" Mingi asked.
     "Do you think Yeosang has told her yet?" Wooyoung asked.
      "Why don't you get any more lines than you do? You have an amazing singing voice!" Violet said.
    "Let me show you something." He said before transforming into a cougar. She looked on in awe before approaching him.
      "Can I?" She asked before he headbutted her hand. She started softly stroking his back. "You're gorgeous in human and animal form."
       She fell asleep cuddling with Yeosang when ATEEZ got there.
They cooed at how cute she looked cuddling with their baby Sangie. Wooyoung shifted into his fox form and laid on her stomach. She didn't wake up but her hands wrapped around Wooyoung cuddling him. About 30 minutes later she woke up to see she was cuddling with a napping fox that was on her stomach.
   "Woo?" She asked as the fox woke up yipping at her excitedly as he got up. Before she knew what was happening she was picked up and sat in someone's lap.
   "You're our mate, noona." He growled nipping at her neck. She squeaked in surprise but she could tell it was Jongho.
"Our noona." They agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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