I stared into his eyeless eyes, the maggots wriggling in and out, flies flying from his mouth... That was a cartel video... I close my eyes as tears flood out, I feel my faith being baptized in anger and fury. I sat his head on his lap and walked over to the basin of the fire. I kicked it over ripped apart my shirt and picked up the charred remains. The tears slowly fade, and I feel my lips curling up in rage. I stared at the scene, the ground was stained in a dark brown, but in the center was still bright red.

"Gisele—" My head snaps to Gaz's eyes ablaze in rage and anger.

"Don't call me that! Don't fucking call me that! YOUR NOT DIEGO!" I roared and turned back to his body. I cut the ropes and let his arms free, but rigor mortis had set in... He's only been dead for a few days... I took in a deep breath letting the scent of death and anger control me.

I let out a sigh and turned to everyone else, "I have a funeral to plan..." I mumble and stumble out in a haze of despair and boiling anger.

The scaffolding fell.

And so, did I.

Inch by inch. Cell by cell. One blood drop at a time. One millisecond at a time. I was slowly becoming my old self, the violence etched in my veins. I felt the monster I was slowly twisting and turning taking form, shrinking into a dense pile of flesh.

My freedom is gone.

My heart was destroyed.

There is nothing left besides that little girl.

I feel the chimp taking control of me.

"Gisele please—"

"Shut it, John!" I snap at Soap who took a step back. "Get a body bag!"

"Y/N!" I stop and look over to see Ghost standing there, his eyes were burning and his tone cold.

"Enough!" Graves said walking forward placing a hand on Ghost's shoulder and pushing him back. "We need to make a call to his family—"

"He doesn't have any," I said looking at them my eyes growing dryer and dryer than ever.

"What? Surely—"

"I am his only family, he's an orphan and so am I!"

"G— Y/N." Gaz corrects himself and walks up to him, "Surely—"

"He's an orphan! OK! Martín... I should call Martín." I mumble and walk off.

Ring ring.

"Martín?" I call my voice small and childlike. Guilt ate at me, the only promise I ever cared for and I failed to keep it. A cough gruff and borderline dying said it all.

"YA?" He yells through the phone.

"...um... Diego is dead," My voice creaks a new wave of emotion hits me, and tears fall from my eyes. I felt like a dam opening and closing letting waves of water tumble out.

"¡Oh, Dios mío, la Madre María nos protege!" He says a prayer and the music stops as she shouts to everyone he died.

"... I'm so sorry," I cry coaching down as a new wave of despair wash over to me.

"What happened?" I felt myself hyperventilating and a strong grasp grip my phone, I looked up to see Alejandro taking it. Rudy sat down next to me and patted my shoulder.

"It's going to be ok," Rudy said but he didn't smile.

It is not going to be ok.

Of all the people I had to lose it had to be him! I sell my younger brother's soul to have Diego back! Please for the love of God! Let this be a dream!

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