You embraced her in a genuine hug to express your gratitude. Hanni was surprised by your decision to hug her, but she sat and hugged you back, feeling the warmth of your body and the butterflies that arose when she was close to you. Then she said,

"Let's stay like this for a while, Y/n, if you want."You nodded in agreement, savoring the moment of closeness with Hanni. The two of you remained in each other's embrace, finding comfort in the silence and the shared warmth. It was a simple yet profound connection, and you were grateful for every second of it.

"You're so clingy, Y/n, and I'm not complaining," Hanni teased as you hugged her. You chuckled and hugged her tighter, saying, "It's not my fault that you're so huggable and warm." Hanni playfully pushed you away, trying to hide her embarrassed smile. "Well, I can't help it if I am that hugable and warm," she said, trying to regain her composure. But you could see the smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I guess I can't complain about getting extra hugs from you," she added, pulling you back into a tight embrace.

"I'm pretty sure you're gonna get sick of how clingy you are when you hug Hanni," you said teasing her. She playfully smacked your shoulder and said, "Aren't you the one who hugged me first?" she said, grinning. You chuckled and shook your head. "Yeah, but I didn't realize what I was getting myself into," you admitted, returning her grin.

"Hey, I can't help it if I'm just naturally affectionate," she said with a playful pout. "Well, I guess I'll just have to learn to live with it," you replied with a smirk. As you both laughed and continued on your way, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the easy banter and comfortable companionship you shared with her.

After hours had passed, Y/n woke up fully healed from the fever. As he looked around, he felt a hand on his chest and saw Hanni clinging to him. He was taken aback by the sight and wondered how Hanni had ended up sleeping on his chest. Y/n didn't move an inch and tried to recall the earlier events, slowly caressing Hanni's hair as he did so. As he thought back, he remembered Hanni insisting on staying by his side until he felt better. Y/n smiled softly, grateful for Hanni's presence. He gently shifted to make Hanni more comfortable, and she stirred, blinking sleepily up at him.

"Good morning," she mumbled, a small smile gracing her lips. Y/n felt warmth spread through him at the sight, and he knew that he was glad to have Hanni by his side.

"Good evening, Hanni. Did you sleep well? It seems like you did," you said teasing her. She looked very cute with her hair all fuzzy and her eyes still semi-open. She then asked you what time it was, and you replied, telling her it was now evening time. You mentioned that she had been sleeping since this afternoon on your chest while you two hugged earlier. You gently brushed her hair and smiled,

"You were out like a light, Hanni. You must have been really tired."

She let out a soft yawn and stretched, looking up at you with a contented expression. "I guess I needed it," she said, still half-awake. You chuckled, realizing that she was still in that lovely half-dreamy state.

"I'm feeling better now, it's getting late. Shouldn't you head back to your dorm?" You were so thankful for her care when you were sick. As you helped her gather her things, you wondered if you should accompany her home to make sure she gets there safely. As you walked with her towards the door, you couldn't shake off the feeling of concern for her safety. The street at night is not always the safest place, especially at night. You hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up, "Hey, do you mind if I walk you back to your dorm? Just to make sure you get there okay?" She looked at you with a grateful smile and nodded, "I would appreciate that, thank you." And so, you both set off into the night, the glow of the streetlights casting long shadows as you made your way toward her dormitory.

As you two walked together enjoying each other's presence, the both of you talked about your problems and had some heartfelt conversation, as the both of you were now arriving at her dorm, you stopped near the gate because since she lives with others and you do not want her to get any problems by having someone spreading rumors on how she was going home with someone. You suggested that she walk you to the corner at the gate and then you would go your separate ways. She agreed and you both continued your conversation as you walked. The night was cool and the street was quiet, creating a peaceful atmosphere for your discussion.

"Well, this is it, Hanni. Thank you for today and for taking care of me," you said, full of emotions. You were deeply touched by how she had looked after you

and made you feel at home. She replied, "I did have fun, Y/n, and it was no problem. And I enjoyed our cuddling session," teasing you. You laughed it off and decided to pull her into a quick hug.

"Clingy that much, Y/n?" she said while hugging you back. You only chuckled at her reaction and replied,

"Whatever you say, Hanni Pham."

As you both parted ways, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. It was always tough saying goodbye, knowing that it might be a while until you saw each other again. Hanni waved as she walked down the street, and you stood there, watching her disappear into the distance. You couldn't deny the warmth she brought into your life, and you knew you'd miss her presence. But as you turned to head home, you felt grateful for the time you'd spent together, and you carried those memories with you, cherishing the bond you shared.

Men only want one thing from a woman, and that is to be loved unconditionally.

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