A piece of you

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As sunset goes down, there is light that never goes out.

The sun was set over the horizon, the moon rose from its deep slumber, and the cities buzzed with light. "It seemed like this scene was straight out of a movie."

A girl who was once broken down to the extent that she wanted to end her life, found her home, and found a new family that would protect her from her problems, and a family she could talk about her problems. However, the thing is that was not what she wanted; it may sound selfish, but she wants someone who will love her truly and without any hidden agenda on it.

As she walked by the old pathway to her dormitory, she saw the store where she met the guy, who seemed like he had known her for years and seemed like he cared about her; she decided to take the courage to go inside the newly opened store once again.

She was about to open the front door; she was met with the guy she met back when she was at the lowest point in her lif, and looked like he was dealing with some hard-to-swallow problems.

As the kind girl she was, she slowly opened the door and walked closer to him; the boy did not seem like he noticed her presence due to how silent she walked toward him. She slowly walked toward his back and decided to pat the boy's back for moral support.

Dealing with problems, aren't we? She said with her honey-like voice that even the strongest of people would melt the moment they heard her honey-like voice.

Hearing her voice once again filled your heart, you did not think that she would come back; her honey-like voice echoed through the small convenience store.

You came back. You said, in a very tired voice that seemed like you had been through a war, a never-ending war.

Well, I was lucky enough to pass by this store while going home, and I hope you do not mind me here to stay for a bit, she said.

Not a problem at all Hanni, it's quite lonely in here and I think I could use a little company even for a little bit, you said in a very relaxed tone,

Well, the pleasure is mine, want to sit and talk? You look like you need someone right now, she said with a very concerned tone.

After hearing what she said, for the first time in your life living in this country, you actually heard someone want to talk and sit back and listen to what you can say, you felt very touched by what she said. You replied and said, while looking into her eyes, that's very sweet of you, and yes, I would love to.

She looked into your eyes, almost drowned looking at your eyes, reminded her of the autumn season, and reminded her of a clear sunny day. Finally, your eyes remind her of her own eyes, the eyes that were full of regret, sadness, and more. She felt like she wanted to keep you safe and to ensure that you would not get hurt anymore.

You two took a seat near the counter, as you were about to say something she cut it up by saying, by the looks of it, you are going through a lot, don't you?

What she said hit you like a car going 60 mph hitting you, you felt at ease with her, you felt like she was home, and you decided to respond to her by saying, well what do you think?

What do I think? You look like you need someone to talk to, and do not worry that you can talk to me and let it all out. I will not judge... She said, in the most caring tone, that you heard from a girl other than your mother.

Well actually, I am I thought that when I arrived in Korea, it would be a great experience, but I was proved wrong when I stepped on this soil, and this country all I got was just criticism and racial words, and I felt like an outcast. You said as tears, almost fell your cheeks.

The world sure is cruel, she said in a very serious tone while looking at you into your eyes.

Yeah, the world is cruel, and I hope this never-ending war with criticism ends. I wish the world just accepted all people, except for the criminals who have done hellish things, and I hope people just accept other people how they accept themselves. You said while looking at her back.

Before I met you, I was very desperate for someone who could talk to me, i was assaulted by our staff that I thought I could trust, I was traumatized by what happened and nearly almost ended my life because of it, she said almost crying at the counter.

Without thinking you pulled her into a hug, while you patted her back, it's okay, I didn't know you were dealing with things like this, Don't worry I'm here and I'm staying, just keep talking, and I'll keep listening, you said while holding her tightly.

She hugged you back tightly and then it came all down, she was whimpering and crying, she didn't even care if someone would see her in this state all she cared that she finally found someone that she could lean into and talk to, as she was crying she said, I don't know what to do, people these days are heartless, they keep telling me bad things, she said while she was crying her eyes out.

You just kept hugging her while she was still crying, dont worry let it all out you said.

I do not know anymore, I know it the part of my job to get criticized and getting hated on, but i can't handle this, they are hurting me more than it looks, i hate it, i wish I could just leave this company and start a new life, but i can't, there are people out there that is trusting on me like i am their pillar of hope and i don't want them to lose the pillar that they looked up for, she said.

Don't worry like what you said Hanni, the world is cruel, it could be less cruel if you have someone that you could talk with, you said in a very caring tone.

She broke the hug and looked into your eyes, hey if the world will be less cruel if i have someone to talk and cry with together, can i... let you be my someone? the someone that i could lean on? she said looking at you with eyes red and teary.

Of course, I'll be here for you if you need me.

She looked at the clock and saw the time, well it's my time to go. you have my number right? ill message you when i get back at my dorm. she said after wiping the tears out from her cheeks.

Ill wait for it Hanni, you take care and walk safely, you said in a very caring tone.

As she was walking towards the exit she said something that would change your life forever and for the better or worse, Hey Y/n I don't know what's happening now but I'll take a piece of you, she said, and walked out of the store.

After hearing this, you finally realize your feelings that this friendship of hers will turn into something more.

Of course Hanni, you can take a piece of me.

This chapter was inspired by the song " A Piece Of You"

Shouldn't be?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ