Ally species

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Lunar bears also know as metro bears  or aeonains(in their native language) are a race of genetically perfect and superior, inter-stellar and space-faring, autonomous, rc-sized and allegedly perfect apex, robotic and superhuman synthetic bear organisms that have ultra-advanced and ultra-developed superior technology and they are from earth's satellite, the moon, secretly a energy and technological ultra-advanced and superior moon in a complete and peaceful egalitarian and meritocratic utopia with hard-wired benevolent, benign and gentlemen nature. they have vastly ultra-intelligence, have six fingers, six toes, and have ultra-advanced, ultra-developed and superior technology and with a secret abilities to split themselves into two units and powerlink together with each other or with Martians, they are more agile than the Martians due to a larger gap between the ribs and hips.
Lunar Physiology/Biology: they are made of a super-dense, super-hard, and ultra lightweight nanotechnological living smart metal called promethium steel-X, a living smart metal that looks like a metallic white-grey metal version of platinum but it specially strengthened at the molecular level and surpassed any earthly materials and metals in strength and weight and they are also made of superalloys and claytronics. Their body structure is made and mixed of centrifugal die cast, beskar, Super Elliminium, machine-phase matter, mithril, and nanominium, both of their bodies and two sparks at the atomic level are made of exotic matter and a refined form of a super-fuel and highly purified lifeblood called ultra-Energon that is the blood of their Elterich, omnipotent, omniscient and powerful ultra-energy organism and universal god of order, light and harmony, Adam wild-frost and it also can transform earth's machinery to life by reconfiguring its structure to that of a lunar bear. their bodies are composed of advanced utilitarian chassis that is interlaced, layered and laminated with a carbon fiber weave and carbon fiber/tungsten, fiber with crystalline, ceramic titanium and nano-fibers of carbon and titanium and their cellular structure is much more dense, resilient and biologically more effective than human tissue.
The lunar bears have Three Brain Core powered by light-based quantum computer chips and ultra-advanced X 1000 quantum multi-core processor, 2 sparks, techno-arcane circuitry, Detachable Extremities, denser muscular and skeletal systems, shock absorption and digtiai-grade legs, Quantum Neural Network, waterproof and shock resistant armored enclosure, hardened jointed segments, sub-mind, 27 servo-motors, 60 microchips, thermal insulation superconductors, Cryo-Stabilizer Core, Nano-Construct Regulators, magnetoreceptor, titanium bones, superior power generator and transmission systems, Enhanced Optic Processor with superhuman vision, 8k resolution and ultra-advanced electrode arrays with hundreds of megapixels in full color, Data-Crypt Processing Node, recoil absorption systems, emp immunity, cyber circuitry, telepathic immunity, psycho-esthetic indication circuitry, Excellent Structural Integrity, accelerated probability generator, rotatable body, ultra-advanced disguising mechanisms, superior neuron motor bundles, Solar Panel Array, foreign chemical resistance, ultraslow superhuman metabolisms, dual technology circuits, Nano-Enhanced Armor Plating, duplicate power-cabling, intuitiveness, cortical hyper folding, powerful hind legs, psychosurgery, Photovoltaic cells, sensor suite, palm electrocytes, Neural Inhibitors, nanoparticles, rotatable body, disease immunity, bioengineering, reworked pain reception and tolerance, increased glial density, super vocal, Nano-Enhanced Bloodstream, Nebula Optical Lens, neuromorphic co-processes, accelerated healing factor, expanded corpus callosum, biological solar cells, enhanced immune system, superhuman strength, high-yield bone marrow, telecaster, Advanced Superconducting Circuitry, Acute Spatial Awareness, cellulose digestion, telomeric additions, superhuman speed, reinforced Nano-conductive synaptic pathways, quantum memory cells, nano-gland, improved adipocytes, bio-optimized and vacuum-hardened organs, superhuman durability, superhuman stamina, regenerative healing factor, superhuman touch, superhuman hearing, superhuman smell, Enhanced robotic structure with advanced nanotechnology integration, superhuman reflexes, Contaminant Immunity, superhuman endurance, superhuman agility, nanowires, reflex tuner, superhuman dexterity, enhanced creativity, strong bite, razor sharped titanium claws, exoskeletal structure, Optical Sensors, Energy Converter, decentralized modular nervous system, dialyzer, dermal regeneration system, enzyme booster, cellular nanonics, Isolinear circuitry, enhanced memory, high level of conversation, razor sharped diamond carbine canines and fangs, enhanced mental imagery, self-sustenance,superior adaptability, Energon Absorption Efficiency, polymeric myocytes, Dynamic Energy Matrix, increased cranial and brain size, nanowires, Duotronics-based quantum computer systems and nanocircuits, sharp extremities, efficient respiratory systems,
Characteristics/Appearance: The Lunar Bears, with their sleek, metallic smooth steel frames resembling bears but having a stocker built, were designed to adapt and thrive in the low-gravity conditions of the moon. Their powerful limbs and durable exoskeletons enabled them to navigate the rugged lunar terrain with ease, effortlessly traversing the numerous craters and tunnels that pockmarked the lunar surface. Their bodies consisted of a super-dense and super-hard steel endoskeleton and exoskeleton. Their limbs were flexible and agile, allowing them to navigate the rugged lunar terrain with ease. The bears possessed ultra-advanced sensors and cameras, providing them with exceptional vision and awareness of their surroundings. And possessing the capacity to withstand many assaults from enemy groups without displaying any active weakness. They have four nostrils on their nose. They are characterized by their hard-wired benevolent and gentlemen nature, clawed hands and feet have vastly ultra-intelligence, have six fingers, and have six toes. the lunar bears look like bears but streamlined and yet smaller in size and their bodies are colored in black and white (depending on color) and their insignia is a yellow bear with four eyes and four nostrils representing their creator, the trans-dimensional omnibenevolence, omnipotent, omniscient and ultra-energy powerful organism and Elterich universal god of order, hope and will, Adam wild-frost who is the living embodiment of light and creation. The lunar bears have a bellybutton and a short tail, with the tail resembling a joystick. Glowing yellow triangle on their foreheads and their dorsal side(back of the hand).
The lunar bears's defining trait as a species is their extraordinary and seemingly innate skill at crafting extremely advanced technologies from even the most rudimentary parts
Weight: The Lunar Bears, forged from the advanced living smart metal Promethium Steel-X, possess a remarkable combination of super-dense, super-hard, and ultra-lightweight attributes. Despite their incredible strength and durability, the nanotechnological composition of Promethium Steel-X renders the Lunar Bears astonishingly lightweight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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