Character bios

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Character: Zadmius
Appearance: grey and black with golden stripes and bright red streamlines(formerly) white and orange with bright red steam lines and 5 golden star decal
Species: Martian: yetitron (augmented)

Zadmius, born in the crucible of Martian evolution, emerged as a beacon of hope during the tumultuous era of the Obsidian Era. As the revered Supreme Commander and founder of the hyperskull legion(the ancestors to the Martian Confederacy), Zadmius rose to prominence during the aftermath of the Great Calamity, an apocalyptic conflict that shook the foundations of Martian society.

Faction: hyperskull legion(transformed into Martian confederacy) (supreme commander and founder)

Age: 19 billion years old (age equivalent of a young adult)
Star-Created or voidborn: void-born

3 rc-sized alternative modes: Martian tank, aircraft and submarine(formerly) thrust ssc, modified white and orange ftx zorro trophy truck and a grey rc-sized version of a submarine(currently).


  Pretended personality:
Silent Guardian:
Much like Doom Slayer and Master Chief, Zadmius was a silent guardian, seldom uttering unnecessary words. His actions spoke volumes, echoing through the corridors of Martian history. In the heat of battle, his stoic demeanor and unwavering focus were awe-inspiring.
Unyielding Determination:
Zadmius displayed a level of determination that rivaled the most legendary warriors in the cosmos. No obstacle was too great, and no adversary too powerful to deter him from his mission. His resolute nature became a beacon of hope for the Martian people.
Mysterious Aura:
Zadmius cultivated an air of mystery around him. Few knew the true extent of his abilities and the source of his power. This mystique added to his legendary status, making him an enigmatic figure whose actions were shrouded in the unknown.
Fear Incarnate:
When Zadmius stepped onto the battlefield, fear followed. His presence alone struck terror into the hearts of enemies, and his enemies knew that they faced a force beyond comprehension. Zadmius, like Doom Slayer and Master Chief, became synonymous with the retribution of the Martian Confederacy Empire.
Relentless Pursuit of Justice:
Zadmius's pretended personality mirrored a relentless pursuit of justice. Whether facing the remnants of the honored capitalist monarchy or the rising threat of the Gala Imperium, he stood as a symbol of resistance and defiance, embodying the indomitable Martian spirit.
Icon of Resilience:
Like Doom Slayer overcoming the forces of Hell and Master Chief facing insurmountable odds, Zadmius became an icon of resilience. His ability to endure, adapt, and triumph against overwhelming challenges made him a living legend among the Martian people.
Limited Expressions, Maximum Impact:
Zadmius's expressions were limited, but when he did emote, it was a signal of gravitas. His occasional nods, gestures, or rare words carried immense weight, reinforcing the significance of the moment and rallying his allies.

Real personality: Zadmius, beneath the stoic facade and legendary persona projected to the Martian people, possessed a multifaceted and nuanced real personality that went beyond the silent warrior archetype.

Strategic Brilliance:
Zadmius was not just a warrior; he was a master strategist. His real personality harbored a keen intellect, allowing him to orchestrate intricate plans and outmaneuver adversaries. Whether in the heat of battle or political maneuvering, his strategic brilliance shaped the destiny of the Martian Confederacy Empire.
Empathetic Leader:
Contrary to the silent exterior, Zadmius's heart beat with empathy. He deeply cared for the Martian people and their well-being. His decisions were guided not only by the pursuit of justice but by a genuine desire to create a society where all Martians could thrive.
Burdened by Responsibility:
Leading a rebellion and later an entire empire took its toll on Zadmius. His real personality bore the weight of responsibility for the lives and futures of his people. Behind closed doors, the burden he carried was evident, a testament to the sacrifices made in the pursuit of Martian freedom.
Resilient Optimist:
Despite the challenges faced, Zadmius harbored an optimism rooted in resilience. His belief in the Martian spirit and the potential for a brighter future fueled his determination. In moments of crisis, his real personality revealed a leader who found strength in hope.
Struggles with Loss:
Zadmius's journey was marked by loss and sacrifice. His real personality grappled with the emotional toll of witnessing destruction and war. The weight of past traumas lingered, shaping his decisions and fueling his commitment to prevent further suffering.
Adaptability and Learning:
Zadmius was not a static figure. His real personality embraced adaptability and a constant quest for knowledge. As the Martian Confederacy evolved, so did Zadmius, always learning from experiences and seeking ways to improve himself and his society.
Guardian of Martian Heritage:
Zadmius's true self held a deep appreciation for Martian history and heritage. Beyond the battlefield, he dedicated efforts to preserving the collective knowledge of the Martians. The reformation and rediscovery of ancient archives reflected his commitment to Martian culture.
Caring Mentor:
To those close to him, Zadmius was not just a leader but a caring mentor. His real personality shone through in moments of guidance, imparting wisdom to allies and ensuring that the ideals of justice and equality were ingrained in the fabric of the Martian Confederacy.
Balancing Justice and Mercy:
Zadmius's real persona grappled with the delicate balance between justice and mercy. While he sought to right the wrongs of the past, he also recognized the importance of compassion, striving to build a society where individuals could find redemption.
Weapons: Starfire Cannon: An integrated energy weapon harnessing the power of miniature stars, firing concentrated beams of searing plasma that can incinerate targets with devastating heat.

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