"even if it's kicking and screaming."

Începe de la început

"Wait!" Stiles voice echoed with urgency as he stumbled out of bed, his foot ensnared in the unruly blanket, threatening to send him tumbling to the ground. A muffled curse escaped his lips as he struggled to free himself from the beddings grasp, his movements hurried yet hindered by the entangled fabric.

"Oh for the love of god!" Stiles exclaimed in frustration, his irritation escalating as he stubbed his toe against the door frame while making a beeline for the front door. The sharp pain shot through him, amplifying his sense of urgency to catch up with Jackson before he left.

Finally reaching the front door, panting slightly from the unexpected obstacles in his path, Stiles found Jackson on the verge of leaving

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Finally reaching the front door, panting slightly from the unexpected obstacles in his path, Stiles found Jackson on the verge of leaving. He wasted no time in questioning his friends intentions. "Where are you going?" concern lacing his words.

"To bring Derek back, even if it's kicking and screaming," Jackson replied firmly, his answer unwavering as he prepared to set out on his mission to retrieve their missing alpha. Hed knock him out at this point just to drag his ass back where he belongs at this point.

"But but we have class in like fifteen minutes, Jax," Stiles protested, trying to reason with his friend.

"I think I can miss one day, Stilinski," Jackson retorted with a grin, his conviction evident in his tone as he brushed off the concern for their impending classes.

With that Jackson swiftly departed, leaving Stiles standing at the doorway, torn between the urgency of the situation and the looming commitment of their classes.

"What's going on?" Isaacs frown mirrored Lydias puzzled expression as they approached Stiles, curiosity etched into their features. Stiles, feeling the weight of the early morning chaos, let out a deep sigh. "Jackson is going after Derek," he began, the weariness evident in his tone.

The question that followed, "what do you mean hes going after Derek?" came from Lydia, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and concern while cradling a steaming cup of coffee. Stiles felt a pang of anxiety as he tried to navigate the troubling situation.

Pushing past his two pack-mates, Stiles braced himself, feeling the weight of their collective concern pressing down on him. "Derek never came home last night," he explained.

As the barrage of questions poured in - "what?" "why?" "where is he then?" "thats not like Derek," "does Jackson need back-up?" - Stiles waited for the flurry of questions to subside. When he finally had a moment to speak, he found himself struggling with the discomfort of his own suspicions.

"I have no idea I mean, I have an idea, but Im not really looking forward to being right," Stiles admitted with a combination of apprehension and reluctance. The unspoken fear lingered in the air, each passing second increasing the sense of uneasiness that hung over the group.

In the middle of the brewing morning chaos, Peter sauntered into the kitchen, his trademark sarcasm evident in his tone as he addressed the tense atmosphere. "Would you like to share with the rest of the class?" he quipped, his curiosity piqued by the air of uncertainty that hung around Stiles.

Said boy released a frustrated huff, "I think he stayed at Professor Blakes," he confessed, unveiling a theory that seemed too far-fetched yet too plausible to dismiss.

Peter, usually unflappable, was viably taken aback by the revelation, his surprise clear in his expression. Yet, despite the unconventional nature of Stiles theory, Peter couldnt ignore the gut feeling that Stiles was rarely wrong about such matters.

Isaacs confusion interjected into the conversation, "why would Derek stay at our Professors house?"

Scott, recognizing Stiles increasing overwhelm, stepped in to provide clarity. "Because, you guys didnt see how Derek was with her yesterday," Scott explained, the weight of the realization dawning upon him. He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "You guys know how Derek looks at Stiles, right?"

Lydia, always perceptive, captured the essence of Scotts compassion, stating more than questioning, "you mean as if Stiles hung the moon and personally rearranged the stars just for him?"

Erica, never one to miss a chance for playful teasing, chimed in, seizing the opportunity to add a dash of humor to the conversation. "I was going to say how Scott looks at Ally and Isaac, but that too," she teased, eliciting a chuckle from the group amidst the heavy tension.

"It's serious if even Scott noticed." Peter thinks out loud.

"Hey!" Scott sticks his bottom lip out pouting.

"It's true, Scott." Lydia agrees with a nod. "You're usually busy ogling your boyfriend and girlfriend."

Peter can not fathom Dereks potential trust in someone outside their circle, especially not on the level he shared with Stiles. To Peter, they were like two halves of a whole, irreplaceable to each other in a way that transcended typical bonds.

"Yeah," the wolf sighed dopily.

Stiles couldn't help but notice the infectious happiness in Scott's expression, sensing the deep satisfaction and love he felt for both Allison and Isaac.

The dynamics among the three of them were like a puzzle, each piece perfectly complementing the others. Isaac and Allison had become a necessary part of Scott's life, each filling a void and creating a pleasant balance within their tight-knit pack.

The air in the room grew serious as Boyd, the usually reserved member of their pack, took the initiative to ask about their plan of action. Stiles, his tone firm yet tinged with concern, addressed the group, making it clear that everyone had their own roles to play in the upcoming days.

"There is no plan," the boy declared, meeting Boyds gaze head-on. "Everyone is going to go to class or work. You, Erica, and Cora will be staying home for the next week. Get your strength and rest back after being kept in the volt." He turned to face Cora, the youngest Hale, who was perched at the island bar, sipping her morning coffee. Stiles voice held an air of reassurance as he addressed her directly. "You'll be safe here; the whole house is warded with protection spells, as is the preserve."

Cora, her expression serious but intrigued, questioned Stiles with a straight face, "are you some kind of witch?"

Stiles couldnt help but chuckle at her straightforwardness, recognizing the Hale traits in her demeanor. "A spark, actually," he admitted, revealing a part of himself that held pride.

Coras eyes widened with astonishment, a mixture of awe and curiosity sparking within her. Sparks were revered as the most powerful wielders of magic and she had never met one—until now. "Woah," she breathed in wonder, her newfound respect cleat in her attitude.

Stiles, feeling slightly bashful under the sudden attention, swiftly moved to conclude the conversation. "Okay, guys, let's go. You three behave!" His tone carried a mix of authority and affection as he ushered the others towards their daily responsibilities, leaving Cora, Erica, and Boyd to hold down the fort.

vote and comment babes 🥰. i'm working on the next chapter now!

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