S1E7: Kevin 11

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Gwen: "Glad to see you're handling things so maturely"

Ben opens the curtains, glares at her, and walks out the door.

Gwen: "Where do you think you're going?"

Ben: "Where does it look like? Out!"

Gwen: "Get back here!"
Ben: "Sorry, I don't speak 'dweeb'"

Gwen: "You're going to be so grounded!"

As Gwen and Ben walk off, y/n watches from the window.

With a sigh, the youngest tennyson lays his head down on the table, unsure of what to do. Ever since sparksville, he's been unable to keep track of his cousins like he used to. He's been overlooking everything. Or in his own head. Or even just panics when something happens.

A faint glow from his amulet grows. He looked at it, and took it off. He sets it in the table, as the glow formed a figure. Two adults. Two woman. He stared at the image from his amulet with a saddened expression.

Y/n: "of all the knowledge... Of all the skills.. the techniques... Why don't I remember you..?"

Y/n stared at the two women. Having no idea who they were. When he was younger, he was found by max. Alone, and afraid. The only thing he hand was the amulet.

As he was staring at the photo, max entered the RV, looking over to him.

Max: "where's the other two?"

Y/n: "they left.."

Max saw y/n staring at the photo in his amulet, and didn't say anymore. He took a seat at the driver's side, and rotated the chair around.

As y/n puts his amulet back on, Gwen them enters the RV. Max immediately asked a question with some seriousness after not seeing Ben with her.

Max: "Where's Ben?"

Gwen: "Hehe, yeah, about that.."

Gwen looks at him nervously, as y/n spoke up.

Y/n: "should I go look for him..?

Max: "no. We'll go together"

Max turns around in his seat, and put his hands on the wheel. Y/n got up and sat in the passenger seat, as Gwen sits at the booth.

They drove around for hours. Searching for Ben. At they were starting to lose home. Maybe y/n did have to-

Nevermind. Now night, Stinkfly suddenly flew by the RV, making them all look on surprised.

Y/n: "...found him..."

They drive off again, max much more furious than before.

Max: "Of all the stunts Ben's pulled, THIS is the worst! When I find him...!"

Gwen: "I should really be enjoying this... So why aren't I?"

As they drove down, the radio started going off. Y/n turned it up, as he heard something that might help them.

Radio: "And expect delays on the uptown subway lines near 51st Street. There have been reports of fires breaking out all over the tunnels"

Y/n: "sounds like heatblast"

Max nods, and U turns the rust bucket, driving towards the subway lines. Eventually, the drive along side the train itself, Ben on top of it. Max honks, and flips a switch, which brings out the RV's side rolling tarp. Max spots a sign coming up in front of Ben and swerves the RV to the other side of the road, so the tarp is closer to him. They continue honking at Ben.

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