Chapter 6: Would You Care to Team Up?

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Back at Main Street.

Someone snickers, "Heh heh heh..."

Meanwhile, in the exterior hallway, Jack is still running down the hall.

Jack takes deep breaths, and turns around, "Did I finally shake 'em?"

Suddenly, someone says, "You have both the speed and stamina sufficient to shake off an entire band of hunters. As a wolf should, I suppose."

"Who's there?!" Jack demands, being on his guard.

And soon, Azul walks in, "My, what big teeth you have. No need to bare them at me, though; I'm on your side."

"Oh. You're the double-dealing housewarden from Octavinelle," Jack says, annoyed.

"Please. If anything, your own housewarden is every bit as duplicitous as I am. But it's hardly relevant now, I suppose. I actually came to thank you," Azul says.

"Wait, what?" Jack says, confused.

"Thanks to your skillful diversion of Vil's band of farmers, I was able to acquire a king's ransom in supplies," Azul says.

This shocked Jack in anger, "What?! You slimy little... You made me pay the price while you scored the rewards?"

"Heh. You're a freshman, so I can excuse the fact that you're missing the bigger picture," Jack says, "To wit, the Beanfest games are NOT an athletic competition. I'll tell you what the most determining factor in this game is: Smarts! The winner is whoever anticipates the movements of enemy and ally alike, and takes that into account before they act. Approaching a supply crate completely alone is the very height of folly. Supply points are prime hunting grounds for the enemy. They act as bait and draw in targets that make easy pickings for ambushers. But when you predict what the farmer team will do in advance, you can stay one step ahead.

Jack growls in anger, "Grrr... What's your scheme, then?"

"My "scheme" was getting supplies, and it worked swimmingly. You did a remarkable job of keeping the enemy occupied," Azul says, "Now that that's done, would you care to team up? I'll split the supplies evenly with you."

"Why should I?" Jack questions.

"Let me go over what the supply crate had," Azul says, "It had field scanner goggles that share the locations of both teams at set intervals...And this grabbing arm here. It looks like a regular glove, right? But it's actually a magical item. It grows enormous, allowing you to easily capture farmers. The perfect tool for someone who's already as dextrous as you are, wouldn't you say?"

Jack crosses his arms with a huff, "Hmph. You think you can win me over with a few shiny toys? Thanks, but no thanks. I'll lone wolf this one."

This shocked Azul, "Ah, I beg your pardon. My approach was perhaps a tad off-putting. But I know you're a smart one. Consider this logically. If you keep acting alone, sooner or later you're bound to get surrounded by farmers operating as a team. There's only one way that will end— with your fall, in a hail of beanfire. Do you understand that if I were to call attention to your location by shouting right now, you would be as good as finished?"

"What?!" Jack questions.

Azul continues, "I have a scanner that periodically updates me on enemy positions. I also have a weapon, as well as a magic camo jacket that lets the wearer conceal himself. Evading the farmers would be trivial for me. You, on the other hand, are completely unarmed, as far as I'm aware. Heh."

"Are you trying to blackmail me?" Jack questions, shocked.

"It sure sounds like it," Someone speaks up.

That causes the pair to turn to see Jasper and Tanzanite.

"Ah, if it isn't the dwarf twins, or rather, fellow monsters," Azul says.

"That's plain creepy," Jasper mutters.

"But still, are you really trying to blackmail Jack?" Tanzanite asks

"I am QUITE motivated to win this game for my own personal reasons. And I'm not above resorting to drastic measures to accomplish that," Azul says.

Without too much choice, Jack decides to give in, "...Fine. I'll team up, but let's get two things straight: I'm NOT your minion, and I don't take orders."

"Then we have a deal. Ahhh, it's so nice to have a dumb jock—ah, pardon me, a dependable athlete—on my side," Azul says.

Then turns to Jasper and Tanzanite, "And what about you boys. Of course, your size and abilities does help you avoid being detected, but you'll need more than that to win the game. Also, we're welcome to have two more members."

Jasper sighs, "Fine, but you better not try something."

"I suppose. It's better to do this as a group," Tanzanite says.

"Splendid," Azul says, "With that out of the way, it's time for a little game of tag. Heh heh..."

Then Jasper mutters, "I just hope joining with Azul won't backfire on us."

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