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* . °•★𝓢𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓸𝓻☆•° . * 

ɪ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀʜᴇʀᴏꜱ. When Jackie and Lucy and I were little, it was always them who were doing things like that. I'd never be caught dead playing either the hero, villain, or victim.

Which is why I was questioning my agreement to play superheroes with Benny and Parker. 

"You should never have strayed into my trap, mwuahahahah!" Benny said, his face obscured by a paper mask as he pushed me into his bedroom and slammed the door shut. "Now you're my prisoner!" 

I sighed, and then banged against the door. "Oh no! I need Supergirl to come save me!" 

"Supergirl isn't here right now!" Benny shouted, his voice muffled by the door. "Don't move. I'll be back with the rope! Mwuahhahahahhahahhahaha!" 

Rolling my eyes, I turned around and surveyed the room, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. The bruising had gone down slightly in the past few days, but I still looked very much like a panda. My nose was also still covered with tape, and honestly, I was a little worried about taking it off. I know the nurse had said it wouldn't be permanently disfigured, but part of me still didn't believe her. 

After around five minutes or so of just standing there, I walked towards the door, shrugged off the fake handcuffs made from pipe cleaners, and tested the handle. 

It was locked.

Why the hell were the doors in his house lockable from the outside?!? 

I looked around the room for someone to pick the lock with. I knew Benny was really into the game, but I was also absolutely starving and really wanted to eat something. Plus, I wanted to ask Katherine when I could take some more Advil. 

My eyes fell upon a bobby pin on Parker's dresser and I picked it up. This would work. I crossed the room and brushed my hair over my shoulder before leaning over the lock and fitting the bobby pin inside. After a few moments, I hit the right spot and the handle turned in my hand. Grinning, I wrenched it open. 

And found myself face to face with Isaac.

He was wearing the same handcuffs I had had on, and after a second Benny poked his head out from behind him. 

"Are you trying to escape?!" He shouted indignantly, staring me down. Isaac laughed and raised an eyebrow at me. 

"You're trying to escape, Lady Raccoon?

I made a face at him as Benny pushed him into the room with me. After Nathan returned from the hospital and everything went somewhat back to normal, I had interrogated Isaac about what his fight with Cole was about. You know, the one I walked in on. He wouldn't tell me what he and his cousin were arguing about, no matter how much I pressed.

This was starting to become a tiring habit of his. 

Benny grinned evilly at us and then pulled several jump ropes out of his backpack. 

"No. Benny, actually no—" I started to say, but then he had shut the door behind him and walked towards us, brandishing the ropes.

"Back to back!" He ordered.

"Uh—" I started to protest, but then Isaac shrugged and turned around, pressing his back against mine. Benny did his evil laugh again and started wrapping the ropes around the two of us. After tying the fourth rope into a ridiculous amount of knots, he stepped back to survey his work.

"Now you'll never escape, mwuahah—" 

"—BENNY! LUNCH!" Katherine's voice sounded from the kitchen. I saw something in his eyes light up as he dashed towards the door.

"Benny, Benny, wait!" I called after him. 

"Don't shut the—" Isaac tried, but before he could finish his words Benny had slammed the door shut behind him, leaving the two of us standing there in the center of his room, tied together. 

"Well..." I started. 

Isaac turned his head slightly, and I assumed he was attempting to look at me. "Now what?"

"We try to get untied?" I suggested, my fingers already slipping down towards the knots. Shit. Benny had made them really tight. 

I could feel Isaac trying to copy the motion, and together we attempted (in vain) to untie the knots. I felt around, and soon my hand closed on what was probably the least complicated one. I twisted my body sideways to reach it. The ropes tried to hold me back, but I kept pushing against them in an attempt to reach. 

It was working. 

Until all of a sudden the ropes gave, causing me to spin completely around until I was face to face with Isaac instead of back to back. My foot tripped his up and he stumbled backwards.

"SHIT!" He shouted as the two of us fell onto the side Benny's bed with me on top of him. My face was red and flustered as I tried to push myself upright, but the ropes pulled me right back again. I was so close to him. I could feel his chest rising and falling beneath me. His pulse was racing.

"Um...sorry." I managed, trying to push up again, but to no avail. 

"No problem." Isaac said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. "You know, a lot of girls have dreamt about being in this position with me." 

My jaw fell open and I smacked him on the side of his head with a hand that I managed to get free. 

Just then, the door to the room opened and Nathan poked his head in. 

"Are you guys alright? Benny mentioned he had locked you guys in here—whoa." His gaze fell on the two of us and I turned even redder. 

"Don't ask." I said as Isaac said, "Do ask."

Nathan covered his mouth with his hand and started to laugh as I rolled my eyes. "Can you just help us get untied?" 

Continuing to laugh, he crossed the room and helped pull the two of us upright. Then, the three of us managed to untie the jump ropes and leave them on a heap on the floor. I ran a hand through my hair, careful to avoid bumping my tender nose. Nathan was still laughing and struggling to catch his breath and I sent a glare in his direction. 

"I'm going to go eat something." I said, and left the room with the two of them behind. 

* . °•★•° . * 

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