"It's fine, I can sleep in the couch." He offers me and I immediately shake my head. "No, no. It's okay. We can share. I mean, it's a big bed, there's NO way we will be near each other." I unsurely state confidently.

"Are you sure?" He clarifies. "Yep!" Well this is just great. How am I supposed to keep my body on the one side of the bed? I move A LOT in my sleep.

Fuck me.


@aspenhale posted a new story, 06/10/23:

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seen by @drewstarkey, @baileybass, and 5.3 million others

sunday, 06/11/23

I woke up to something heavy on my waist and a heavenly smell. I don't remember having a weighted blanket? Oh shit, wait a second! I force my eyes open and see almost nothing because I realize I am cuddled up with Drew and his arm is around my waist.

How the hell am I supposed to get out of here? I begin to move but then feel him start to wake up so I just pretend I was asleep the whole time. I feel him adjust and then replace his arm over my body. He kisses my collarbone and goes back to sleep.

What the fuck? I thought he was going to get up out of discomfort, but that was a move of comfort. I mean.. we did kiss but I thought it was just a heat of the moment kinda deal for him. Perhaps I thought wrong.

We lay here for probably 40 more minutes and then I act like I am waking up. "Good morning," OH MY GOD HIS MORNING VOICE IS SEXY!!! Thank you God for putting me in the situation!

"Morning!" I squeak out and get up to brush my teeth. Drew joins me and brushes his teeth as well. I avoid eye contact and when I'm done I head to the kitchen.

I look out the window and my mouth DROPS. The view is beautiful. I run over and open the doors to the patio. I take a quick picture and then post it to my story.


@aspenhale posted a new story, 06/10/23:

@aspenhale posted a new story, 06/10/23:

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seen by @drewstarkey, and 1.8 million others

After breakfast on the patio, Drew and I head to the streets to walk around and shop. I will be forcing him to take many, many pictures of me in this trip.

@aspenhale posted a new story, 06/11/23:

@aspenhale posted a new story, 06/11/23:

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seen by @drewstarkey and 3

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seen by @drewstarkey and 3.2 million others
liked by @drewstarkey and 830,204 users

@drewstarkey posted a new story, 06/11/23:

seen by @aspenhale, @joeyking, and 801,932 othersliked by @aspenhale and 57,439 users

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seen by @aspenhale, @joeyking, and 801,932 others
liked by @aspenhale and 57,439 users

Today was such a fun day! We rode on the boat thingy, ate delicious food, and overall had a great time together. I am so ready for the next 8-9 days of this!!!

I began to start reading another book when Drew came and laid down on the bed. He snuggled up under my book and I smiled and continued reading.

I think he fell asleep. I don't know how I am going to get him under the sheets. Oh well, this is nice.

@aspenhale posted a new story, 06/11/23:

@aspenhale posted a new story, 06/11/23:

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seen by @arianagrande, and 2.9 million others
liked by @maddieziegler and 71,202 users

author's note:
i love writing about this vacation!!!
see you tomorrow☺️

lavender haze (drew starkey)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu