The Stars And The Sea (Phan)

Start from the beginning

Stranger: Phil turned his head to the boys as he lay down , He took in his features and just how beautiful he was "what really brings you here" He said after a period of silence.

You: "I come here most nights, i feel like im with my mother when i do". Dan said, which wasn't all a lie. He did come here almost every night, like he guessed his mum did. He didn't know why he told the stranger this, but it wasn't like he would know him for long.

Stranger: Phil felt a little bad when the stranger said he felt like he was with his mother "sorry to hear that , what was she like" Phil said in a strange way wanting to know.

You: "She seemed happy, she read me stories and told me the wonders I'll bring to the world when im older. I believed her, but i was a child. You believe anything as a child". Dan said.

Stranger: "Do you think she's watching down on you" Phil said now turning his attention back to the stars finding himself feel oddly drawn to the stranger on his left.

You: "Im not sure anymore. I was always told she was, everyone said my mother loved me. But you dont leave people you love alone". Dan said, the stars calming him.

Stranger: "I'm sure she did" Phil said truthfully , just talking to this stranger for less than 5 minutes and he was strangely intrigued.

You: "Then why did she leave"? Dan asked, his voice quieter then normal this time. Swearing to himself he wasn't going to get all emotion in front of a stranger.

Stranger: "I guess we never quite know what things go through peoples minds" Phil said then were left with another silence "that doesn't mean she didn't love you..i'm sure she did with all her heart" He said feeling a little hurt now rising in his stomach as he felt for the stranger.

You: "She should have told me, before she put me to bed that i wasn't going to see her the next morning. I was the last one told, and i still didn't understand at my young age. I just wish i didn't have to find out though my father". Dan said, his eyes never leaving the sky.

Stranger: Without much thought Phil turned to look at the guy once more before seeing his hand on the floor , Phil slowly placed his hand into the strangers and held it in his own.

You: Dan looked down at his hand that was intertwined with the stranger then up at the boy, the normal silence falling over them. "What about you". Dan finally spoke up after some time, "Why were you walking down here so late"?

Stranger: "I wanted some air" Phil laughed a little "I'm glad i did now" He said looking down at there intertwined hands smiling slightly.

You: Dan nodded, his eyes finding there way back to the sky. "Thank you". He said softly to the boy

Stranger: "What for" Phil said quietly unsure if the boy could even hear him.

You: "You stopped me, you listened to me, you held my hand". Dan listed, turning his head to look at him.

Stranger: Phil had only just realized by what the boy meant , that was the reason he was here. "I'm glad I met you" Phil said tightening the grip on there hands.

You: "You are"? Dan asked, wondering how the boy could be glad. All Dan did was whine about his own problems while the boy sat and listened.

Stranger: "Very" Phil said now stroking a thumb along the others hand "I think your beautiful"

You: Beautiful, that struck a cord. "You think so"? Dan asked, the last person to call him beautiful was his mother the night before she died. Only when Dan was older did he realize she basically left her note by saying goodbye to Dan the night she put him in bed.

Stranger: "And brave" He said now feeling slight tears in his eyes , Phil had a story of his own mum but she left him as a child and he hadn't seen her since.

You: "Your brave to sit with me". Dan said, turning and looking at the boy. "Don't cry". He said softly, squeezing his hand.

Stranger: "I'm not brave"He said with a pained laugh "I'm a nobody".

You: "You saved my life, your not nobody". He said, now keeping his head turned to the boy. His expression all to familiar. "Are you okay"?

Stranger: "Fine" He said keeping his focus on the sky biting down on his lips trying not to let the tears fall , He was so lost in the world.

You: Dan let there hands go, wrapping one under the boy and hugging him the best he could in his position. "Your not fine, i know what it looks like and feels like to not be fine. Im here for you". He said.

Stranger: Phil felt warmth as the boy wrapped an arm around him , Phil tugged him a little closer feeling as if he'd known to boy for a lifetime "thankyou" he cried a little into the boys amrs.

You: "Shhh, it's okay. It's okay". Dan tried to sooth, stroking his arm gently.

Stranger: Phil wanted to cry more as Dan comforted him , It was the first time in years he had felt any affection towards him.

You: "Your gonna be okay, alright? If your feeling bad enough to want to cry and be able to help someone like me i know you'll be okay". Dan whispered, not caring about what he did and leaned up and kissed the boys head. Hoping to calm him.

Stranger: Phil's heart fluttered slightly at the kiss that was planted on his forehead , He shut his eyes for a couple of seconds and just breathed. "I..i feel as if ive known you my whole life"Phil said his eyes still shut.

You: Dan nodded, "I do too". He replied, keeping his arms around the boy. Dan thinks it's because he was so open, he didn't care what he said because he believed he wouldn't know the boy in soon time. But it didn't matter now.

Stranger: Phil didn't want to leave the stranger whom he'd met tonight on this bridge "I should go" He said his voice a little shaky

You: Dan insistently felt sad, "Okay". He said quietly, unwrapping his arms from the boy. Sitting up from his laying down position.

Stranger: "Maybe our paths will cross again some day" He said forcing a smile onto his face as he look on at the beautiful boy "Phil" "My names Phil"

You: "Phil". Dan repeated, liking how it sounded. "Im Dan, I hope I'll see you again". He said, smiling small at him.

Stranger: Phil smiled widely at the name "Suits you" he said before grabbing Dan once more and pulling him into a tighter hug "you'll be okay"Phil said in almost a whisper.

You: Dan hugged him back, "So will you". Dan whispered back, fearing the moment he's going to have to walk away.

Stranger: "thank you..for everything..i've never met anyone quite like you"

You: "You as well, your something special". Dan said, feeling quite happy that he seemed to mean something to Phil.

Stranger: Phil placed a gentle kiss onto Dan's cheek before walking away from him and the bridge , Smiling. (3 weeks later) It was almost 11am and Phil decided to take the long walk home again and that meant crossing the bridge and just for a moment he wondered if Dan would be there , As he approached the bridge there was no sight , Phil let his face fall a little as he walked along the bridge and looked out at the river and then up at the stars , Remembering Dan. Because Phil could feel something off, how he felt like Dan was there but he wasn't nearby. It meant he was somewhere safe, where he could be forever happy. He was with his mother.

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