Getting along..or are we?

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TW ; this chapter contains gore and blood. If u do not wish to read smth like this feel  free to read smth else.

It has been now 2 years since vincent and
rody have gotten along again, everything was going great. Vincents restaurant and coffee shop have turne out to be an huge success! People loved how the food wadnt so bitter anymore at vincents restaurant, and thats only due to rodys help since rody decided to work along with vincent but still keep his job at the coffee shop since js incase. And he did manage somehow to handle everything too so thats even more better!

Fast forward to the present, vincent and rody were having some drinks at vincents place, they were celebrating their success together!

But they did get drunk..maybe abit..

"Oooh man! I never thought that life would be this great, thank you vincent, u mad my life better.." rody said drunkly

Vincent smiled happily at rody.. But what rody didnt know is that vincent was fully sober. And what vincent dranked wasnt berr, but some fruit drink that looked like beer. And that vincent also put a sleeping pill in rodys beer, and since clearly, rody didnt notice at all, now rody was drugged.

Slowly rody started to lose consciousness as he looked at vincent grinnin at him. And then.. Poof. After that, rody was passed out cold.

Vincent got up, and took rodys body up in his arms, kinda carrying rody like u would carry an toddler. He slowly walked up to his bathroom, and gave rody an bath since he didnt want his meal to be dirty and smelly. Then, after that, rody was left in a pare of boxers and an long black sweater that vincent put on him.

Vincent now slowly dragged rody up to his bedroom,where he had everything prepared. He gently sat rody on the bed and tied him up js like how u would tie up an turkey on an thanks giving dinner.

Then vincent layed rodys body down on the bed in an comfortable way and then layed down next to rody. He waited patiently for rody to wake up.

Soon enough, after 30 mins, rody woke up. He immediately started to panic, i mean who wouldn't for when u wake up tied up like an turkey and on an bed?

Vincent sighed and then got up and looked at rody

"Finally. I can finally eat you. And this time i will be slow an gentle so that u can feel the pain. The same psin u put me through." Vincent said as he grabbed an knife and went up to rody

Rody panicked and started to wiggle around but vincent easily made him stop. Then vincent got ontop of rody and started to bite rodys neck, sucking on the blood that came out and slowly biting at rodys skin so that he can eat him

Rody was terrified. His screams were hesrd by vincent and no one else since vibcents house was out of town and in an far away forest away from people.

Eventually rody stopped screaming and js started to endore the pain as vincent started to cut gentl parts of him. But not to much at all. Js small pieces that he could eat. Vince was gentle enough to not damage any of rodys organs or important nerves that could kill rody and vincent didnt want that. He wanted vincent to be alive so he kept him alive.

Soon after vincent was done, rody was an mess. He eyes were red from crying, his face wad sll puffy and his hair was an mess. Vincent didnt like that so he slowly grabbed rody up amd went to give him an bath to clean off the blood an sweat that were on rodys body.

After vincent gave rody an bath, he dryed rody and bandaged areas of rodys body to let them heal.

"Dont worry. I wont ALWAYS eat you. Js every 5 months or more ill butcher you js bit by bit. Untill those times youll js be in this house, you will basically be like an house male wife. You'll take care of this house, cook and clean this place and treat it as ur home. But js know, the windows r unbreakable and the door is locked shut everytime i will leave so u wont be aible to break out and run away at all. However, you will be free to roam around the house everywhere u want. Food and anything u want is on the table and u will have it in no time if u js ask for it, u can still go out from time to time but only when i have free time and i will be armed everytime we r out tg. " vincent said as he picked up rody and carried him back to vincents actual bedroom, turns out the one they were in was an guest one.

Rody didnt like the idea of being an prisoner but he couldn't say anything. But.. The deal did sound fair to him. He had nothing to do anyway

"Okay but.. Can u please at lesst go to my house and get my cats luna and moony (He adopted an second cat bouta year ago) please? Thats all i want.. And also pls get all of my clothes and my belongings" rody said while clinging onto vincent

Vincent nodded and promised to rody he will do that

Vincent slowly put rody in his bed snd then vincent undressed himself leaving himself in js boxers and an simole white t- shirt

Rody blushed abit  but decided to control himself and then he turned around  and got comfy in bed

Rody soon even was fast to sleep and snored like an grandpa, vincent giggled at that while he got in bed next to rody, since vincent was behind rody he decided to cuddle with rody. Soon enough vincent fell asleep too..


Note from the writer;

Ellooo, so in the next chapter there will be some smut and gore so js an lil warning for that! Soon enough i will be starting school so if chapters take longer to finish i apologize.

"I missed you.." [an vincent x rody story]Where stories live. Discover now