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You want me to kill her? He said slowly while looking at y/n in disbelief he didn't expect such a thing from her especially that she used to be friends with Jeongmin but he managed to keep his cool and brush it off "that's a silly thing to ask from me let's just focus on watching the movie

He said while smiling Siyun didn't want to carry on this conversation even if it was a joke he wasn't the best at reading y/n's mine especially that she tells some important things as a joke to mess with him and knows how to control her emotions which makes it only harder for him to tell if she was pleasured with his answer or joking

In the other hand y/n didn't answer him she just kept her eyes locked on the TV while her thoughts swaying way too far she didn't like how he didn't agree with what she said even if it was a "joke" he was supposed to take her side and go along with her words

Soon the movie was done that's when she gets up and said calmly I'll be leaving now I'm tired her face didn't show any emotions which made Siyun confused I thought you'll stay for the night did I make you feel uncomfortable... Or perhaps did I do something you didn't like he said while looking at her trying to get answer out of her lips since he still was doubting she was bothered by what he said earlier

An uncomfortable silent fill the room until her chuckles broke it she looked at him with a warming smile then said not really it's kinda embarrassing to say that but I have my period so I can't really stay for long as soon as she told him he felt a relief wash over him

Ah I see well then I'll take you home just give me a second Siyun gets up in a rush to put on his jacket as soon as he gives her his back her warm expression drops and changes into cold one 'what a fool' she thought to herself while walking outside his apartment waiting for him to tag along

The whole walk was Siyun trying to talk to her about every random thing that came in his mind and her giggling and giving him a warm smile at each other them until she was finally alone in her room that's when she grabbed the very first thing she saw and crash it against the wall fucking annoying she said under her breath

She didn't like how Jeongmin still hold a place in Siyun's heart she though it was all hers now that he picked her over but she was wrong he wasn't able to hurt Jeongmin or do anything that harm her for y/n's sake I thought he was ready to sacrifice himself for me but I was wrong she said to herself as she walk to her bed

What shall I do now that's so annoying she keeps on thinking after she laid down uncomfortably if she was to do anything to Jeongmin after that Siyun will figure out it was her also she doesn't want to get her hands dirty she thought about making Siyun do the work for her but now that's impossible after the way he react

She keeps looking at the empty space while trying to figure out what to do next do I really have to hurt her? She asked herself then when she remembered the way Jeongmin has been acting lately with all her copy cat behavior and toxic wide it won't take longer before she tries to make a move on Siyun and y/n doesn't like that she grows a liking on her new toy and she wasn't ready to give it up or share it

The whole thing was new to her never in her life did she felt that her place is threatening by someone else which made her feel hard feeling about it that hurts her ego more than she wants to admit to be or feel replaced guess I'll take it slow for now and be patience what was the saying? Patience people get it all? Or get screw up? I don't remember

The evening passed with her thinking about each possibility and she came to one realization I need to make him hate her that way everything will be perfect she whispered to herself before she fell asleep little did she knows what was the out coming

Two days after that night she keeps on thinking of a way to get Jeongmin hated by Siyun but she couldn't really find a result and what bothered her more was Siyun acting weirdly around her and today was the day he succeeds on pissing her off since he was "busy" and couldn't hang out with her

But ofc for her it was a lie because she knows his schedule and after stalking his phone localisation she saw that he's still in his apartment something fishy I swear...

Sorry for any typo mistakes I didn't check before posting Im lazy :')

Happy new year babes sorry for taking way too long but the plot twist in manhwa get me crazy fr since I didn't expect such a switch so I'm trying to collect my thoughts about the story also jjk broke my heart so I was trying to get over the shit gege did ofc my education take part of my absence as well however I'ma try my best to post as soon as possible

ALSOOO idk if you guys know this but I'd advise y'all to try character.Ai best app ever fr I've been living there for a while it's just Ahhh a dream come true now bye cuties see ya later xoxo

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