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You seem to be in good mood y/n you didn't stop smiling since you left the hospital you heard siyun saying while you were helping him to lay on his bed you're now on his apartment Ah.. I'm just happy that you're fine you said while smiling you didn't want him to know the really reason behind that smile of yours because it wasn't for any good

You were just so happy of the thought that someone is ready to sacrifice themselve for you and now you're curious how much would he be able to sacrifice and how good it would feel you seem him studying your face before he speaks I didn't thought you'll be that happy I'm sorry for causing such a problem with uhh who was he again? He said while smiling playfully

It's none important nothing you need to focus about now you just need to rest you said while putting the blanket over his body and walk to the kitchen to grab him bottle of water just in case 'nice now how am I supposed to get rid of that little bitch if she didn't gives me any information' he thought to himself while biting his nail he needs to make you talk about it without making it obvious he can't risk letting that guy get near you again

He was even planning to take you on a double date to the cinema how confortable is he with you and yet you said it's not important of course it is siyun wouldn't let a single human get near you he wants you all to himself let along a man who's kinda attractive

Here in case you get thirsty you said while putting the bottle on his nightstand are you leaving already? He asked while you stopped to think before answering you don't really have much to do but it's your first time here and he needs a "mental support" as the doctor said I'll stay here in case you need me I'll leave at night now try to get some rest you said while sitting on the chair next to his bed

Meanwhile siyun was thinking of a way to bring the topic again without making it suspicious what's your plans for tomorrow he asked which catch your attention I don't know I didn't plan anything yet but maybe I'll have some work to do on the studio you said while trying to remember your timetable tomorrow was a weekend so you didn't have to worry about your school luckily

Oh why don't you make it up to that guy and go on a date then since you have time I guess I still feel bad for ruining his chance he said out of the blue which you find ridiculous 'he throws himself in front a bike and pretend to pass out and get to the hospital just so I won't go out on a date with Adrian but now he's asking me to go? Something fishy'

You thought to yourself while you kept studying his face you couldn't read his thoughts but you didn't want to give him the pleasure of getting what he wants never not if he keeps biting on the bunch without saying it honestly I thought I'll pass my time with you but seems like you don't want me to and instead you wanna give my time to another guy but if that's make you happy then I'll text him later about it

He didn't show any reaction to your words but you can see from his eyes he wasn't happy at all he didn't just fail to get the answer he even told you to go on a date and ruin his chance of having you tomorrow too he tighten his grip on the blanket while trying his best to calm down and smile he couldn't force himself to agree or speak again

He didn't know how things went wrong maybe he didn't use the right words for it he saw you grabbing your phone which made him panic were you really going to text that asshole? He's getting annoyed and his anger getting the best out of him he snatch the phone from your hand which was unexpected for you Siyun what's the meaning of that give it back now! You said while standing up from your seat

He didn't seem to answer he just keep laying on the bed while he hides your phone in his pocket when you didn't get answer you take off his blanket and were going to search his pants pockets that's when his hand catch your waist and pull you on the other side of the bed then he gets on top of you while fixing both of your hands with one of his on top of your head I see you're way too fine now you even have the energy to play such a silly games with me guess there's no need for me to stay you said while trying to get up but you couldn't

Siyun let go of me NOW you said demanding but he didn't listen at all he had a strange expressions one that give you chills seems like he's done with games let's have a deal my dear y/n you tell me who's that son of bitch was and I promise I won't kill him he said while removing some of your hair of off your face

or?  You said out of curiosity you didn't see that side of siyun before your heart was beating fast as if it's your last day living you'll be lying if you say you're not scared because you really are but you were enjoying it this feeling of being scared of situation out of control the risk and the fear was somehow giving you this sexual tension

He lay his head down next to your ear or you would leave me no choice but to take this information by force and I really don't want to hurt my sweet y/n you means the world to me but I can't let some nuts get near my beautiful world cuz I'm the only one you belong to his voice were more like whisper a dangerous one that made your whole body shivers his hot breath were heating your skin with every word he said

'what should I do now I'm really curious about what would he do to get what he wants but I don't have a good feeling about it.. Shall I be a good girl for once?'

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