New gc??

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                                                                             Quick A/N

Sorry if any of the characters are ooc (out of character) I'm really bad at writing in character especially for some characters like Ethan, Quinn, Sam, Chad, and Anika and this is my first time writing on here so any tips would be great.

                  Mindy added Sam, Ethan, and 5 others to the groupchat

Mindy- wsg y'all

Tara- is this a new gc????

Mindy- nah its toysrus obviously 🙄 

Chad- wait really???

Amber- obviously not idiot

Chad- no need to be so rude geez 😒 

Ethan- wait so who's in the gc 😭😭

Mindy- that's for you to find out 😼

Amber- annoying ahh 

Mindy- stfu

Sam- I literally just woke up wtf happened 

Quinn- omg same we literally have sm in common ☺️

Ethan- simp 

Quinn- stfu bro you're acting as if you wouldn't call Chad daddy if he asked you to

Ethan- ok that's different—

Chad- he would what???

Tara- stop texting the gc I'm trying to do something 

Quinn- what are you doing?? Amber?

Tara- NO????

Amber- 💔💔💔

Mindy- tf is going on rn


Mindy- sadly yes 😿

Anika- not the time Mindy 😭

Word count- 176

I feel like I made everyone ooc. Again any suggestions/tips are welcome 

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