Chapter four

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After court was and everyone left Maera reminded in her chambers while Daemon
where pleasing his desires with some common whore in a pleasure house.

As the next day has come Queen Aemma started her labors and the king celebrated it with a tournament. Ever house has brought a knight to fight agains and get them off it horse.

As the tournament begun everyone was already there Rhaenyra and Alicent sat at the front while Maera was nowhere to see. Then finally Maera came too. She walked in the front with her white dress and the dragon neckpiece around her neck. She sat down next to her sister Rhaenyra.

"Where have you been?.." Rhaenyra whispers to Maera. "I was just a Little late..." Maera answered in a whisper as they watched two knights running to eachother as the one pushed the other from its horse. Maera clapped.

But then Daemon came to the field with his black horse and armor the helmet designed to look like a dragon. He rode to the other knights and chosse his enemie. Rhaenyra smiled and clapped Maera just watched him carefully.

Daemon chosse a knight from the hightowers. Just the eyes where visible from the knight.
They both rode to the mainfield before daemon takes a look up at Maera. Maera just tiled her head then the tournament begun. They both rode at eachother the first hit was at daemon. But the second hit got the horse from the knight of house Hightower and the knight and it's horse collapsed.

Daemon rode to Maera, Rhaenyra and Alicent.
Rhaenyra and Alicent got up but Maera stayed seated and watched carefully. "Nicely done, uncle." Rhaenyra said. "Thank you, princess." Daemon answered while his eyes flicker to Maera in the back. "Now I'm fairly certain I can win these games, Lady Alicent." Daemon said to alicent. "Having you favor would be assure it." Daemon said. Alicent walked to the chair and Rhaenyra toss it to daemon. Daemon looked at Maera once more and then rode back.

The next fight was between ser christon cole and daemon. As they both rode to eachother. First hit got Ser christon but the second daemon. Daemon almost fall from his horse but could Balance his higher body on the pole. Then he falled off. Maera watched curiously. But daemon wasn't done he got up and grabbed his sword for a second fight to continue. Ser christon swong his weapon at daemon while daemon dodges and swings his sword at him. Daemon shield was already broken but he still fought.

Daemon kept fighting but as he thought he won Ser christon fought back and daemon falled to the ground. Before he could stand up Ser christon but his foot on him. "Stay down." Ser christon whisperd. But then Maera felt something. Something was wrong.

In the meanwhile Aemma was in her Labour screaming and pushing in pain but the baby was stuck in the birth channel. One of the maester said to viserys as he enters the chamber. Viserys stood by aemmas side but so that the baby lives aemma had to die. The maiden pulled Aemma down and kept her in place while some other maiden started to pull out the baby. Aemma screamed in pain a pile of blood forming. But as the baby was out the screams stopped and Aemmas lifeless body laid on the blood soaked sheets. Viserys sobbed at aemmas side but then the maester came and told the message that it was a male babe. He was named baelon.

Otto came back to the tourney and told everyone the sad message of Aemmas death, everyone whisperd it to eachother. As Rhaenyra and Maera heard it Rhaenyras face dropped into to sadness and shock. Only a tear rolled down Maeras face while she breathes deeply and closes her eyes.

At Aemma's funeral everyone was in grief and loss but mostly Rhaenyra and Maera.

"They waiting for you." Daemon whisperd in high Valyrian to Maera from behind Maera only weept at daemons words. "You father needs you." Daemon spoke once more before finishing the sentence. "More then he ever had." Daemon said.

As Rhaenyra and Maera stepped forward Rhaenyra hesitated to speak the word.
"Dra-" The only word came out of her mouth.
They both share a glance before both of them speak the word at the same time. "Dracarys!."

Both of their dragons Cannibal and Syrax spoke flames out of their mouth's burning the corpse of their dead mother and younger brother.

Rhaenyra and everyone looked away except for Maera she watched quietly while daemon shared at glance with her.

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