"Nothing like that" Jungkook replied looking at the window

Tae nodded.
He lowered is head.
"Jungkook I'm really sorry if I hurt yo...."

"Can't you shut up for a minute seonbae?" Jungkook frown. He already had too much in his mind and now, he's unable to organise his thoughts.
Why did his mom speak to him while he was about to.....
Jungkook turned towards tae Ruin you?

Tae lowered his head.
No. This is not the Jungkook he loved.
Not him.

Tae clenched his fist.
He was having enough of this. What did he do so wrong to be treated like a trash?
What wrong did he do to treat him so coldly after marking him as his mate?
Is it that now that's 'Im yours' you can do whatever you want? And that I wouldn't be able to say anything?
No. Tae isn't someone who would submit.

Tae took a deep breath. He stood from his seat and walked towards the drivers.
Jungkook didn't bother to even look at him but yoongi's eyes never left tae's

"Ahjussi, Please stop the bus. I want to get off"

The old man looked worried as this was in middle of nowhere
"Son in few more minutes there's a resting area we can..."

"I wanna get off here Ahjussi" tae was ferm.

The old man nodded stopping the bus which now made kook to turn towards the exit door.
"Wh..what are you doing?"

Tae didn't response. He made a small bow and got off the bus.
"Hey..." Jungkook immediately stood as he ran towards the door and got off.

Yoongi sighed "These two...." He followed the younger.

Jungkook grabbed tae's wrist, stopping him "Where do you think your going? This place isn't safe...."
Before he completed, the bus drove past them.
"Shit Ahjussi!" Jungkook tried to stop but the bus was now gone.

Jungkook turned towards tae "Are you nuts?" He cupped tae's cheeks "We get only one bus in this area for a day!"

Tae pushed kook's hands off him and decided to walk

Jungkook clenched his fist "I'm taking to you!" He grabbed tae's wrist but tae moved back and pushed kook by his chest "Go away from me!" He pushed kook again "This isn't what I wanted!" He pushed as tear started to form in his eyes "What did I even do to be treated like this by you? I did apologize for my past behaviour didn't I? Wh...why are you doing this? If this is how you gonna treat me.....You shouldn't have marked me! I shouldn't have come here..." He wiped his tears and started to walk again

Jungkook looked at yoongi.
Yoongi shrugged.

Kook took a deep breath "Seonbae!" He ran behind tae "hold on. It's not that...."

Tae pushed kook "Go away. I wanna go home"

Kook grabbed tae's wrist "Listen to me..."

Tae shook his head "No! Let go of me"

Jungkook tightened his grip as he pulled tae into a hug "I'm sorry. I had something going on in my mind. I....I didn't mean to hurt you"

"Lier!" Tae tried to push kook but Jungkook tightened the hug. Right now, he wanted tae to completely believe and trust him.
He just want that.
Once tae is in his palms, he can do whatever he want.

We can still take our revenge. Right here. Right now..

Jungkook's eyes turned bloodish red as he glared at his brother like one last warning and never to bring that ever again.

Yoongi sighed shaking his head
I don't know what kind of revenge is something which will cost your life too.
He said and shifted himself into a wolf which made tae to tighten his grip on kook's chest hearing the bone cracking sound.
Do not delay any further. The Kim's are looking for him.
Saying this, he ran into the forest.

Jungkook took a deep breath.
His mates pheromones calming him and making his mind at ease.
Tae also loved the manly pheromones which made him calm.
"I'm sorry" Jungkook said unconscious. He somehow didn't wanted to hurt tae even though he's intention is to hurt tae in the first place.

Tae closed his eyes feeling even more relaxed. Minutes passed but tae didn't part from the hug.

Jungkook smiled "Seonbae, planning to stay like this the whole day?"

Tae frown, he moved from the hug and wiped his tears

"The bus is gone. How are we suppose to go home? Aren't you worried about your parents?"

Tae sniffed wiping his nose

"Still angry?"

Tae nodded

Jungkook smiled as he walked closer to tae "As I said....I had something on my mind"

"Like....what happened after we marked? Under the tree? You were crying and talking about your mom...."

Jungkook placed his index on tae's lips "Let's not talk about it" he smiled caressing tae's lips "I'm sorry if I hurt you with my words"

Tae finally felt at ease.
Yes, this is the man he loved.

Tae walked closer to kook and hugged him "Never raise your voice with me again. It....it's scary. As if....you don't want me. Like you hate me..."

Jungkook closed his eyes "Um. I won't" he caressed tae's hair "I won't raise my voice again"
He inhaled as he looked at the scorching sun
Moongodess, please answer my prayers.

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